
advent of code 2020

Primary LanguageRust

🦀 Advent of Code 2020 🦀

Advent of Code 2020 (some Rust, some Python)


Every day I may structure the module differently, and I will put details below on how to run

Day how to run
day_1 this is a library crate, inside day_1 use cargo test to run the test scenarios
day_2 CLI based app that reads from file. inside day_2 use cargo run test1.txt for pt1 and V2=1 cargo run test2.txt for pt2
day_3 CLI based app that reads from file. inside day_3 use cargo run test2.txt for pt1 and V2=1 cargo run test2.txt for pt2
day_4 CLI based app that reads from file. inside day_4 use cargo run test1.txt for pt1 and V2=1 cargo run test2.txt for pt2
day_5 CLI based Python script. run with python3 ./day_5/day_5.py and the script will correctly source the test data
day_6 CLI based Python script. run with python3 ./day_6/day_6.py and the script will correctly source the test data