
Repository associated with Physical descriptor for the Gibbs energy of inorganic crystalline solids and temperature-dependent materials chemistry article used to predict the temperature-dependent Gibbs energies of inorganic crystalline solids.

This repository is a rewritten copy of original repo.

Data files


Table of 440 compounds used for training and testing the SISSO-learned descriptor.


Dictionary of atomic masses (amu) in format {element : mass}.


Dictionary of experimental Gibbs energies (chemical potentials) for the elements in format {temperature (K) : {element : G (eV/atom)}}.

Structure file for Al2O3 from Materials Project to demonstrate use of descriptor.


CLI is provided for the Gibbs energy approximation. An example usage of it for Al2O3:

./ --formula Al2O3 --H=-3.442 --structure=data/

Implementing descriptor

Contains class for implementing SISSO-learned descriptor; see comments within and arXiv link for detailsю

Contains chemical formula parser; see comments within for usage examples.


  • Formula standardizer extracted into separate class, now it is much more time-efficient (from 9x to 28x on different benchmarks) and able to process more complicated formulas;

  • Tests provided to cover formula standartization;

  • Predictor refactored and type hints provided in accordance with MyPy guidelines;

  • Integrational tests for matching results with previous implementation provided;

  • CLI interface for predictor provided;

  • CI/CD pipelines added for code quality control and testing.


  • Move floating-point calculations to high-precision class, such as Decimal;

  • Provide GUI-backed application for the predictor.