
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Covid 19 server


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"CosmosEndpoint": Cosmos DB URL
"CosmosAuthKey": Cosmos DB Auth Key
"CosmosDatabase": Cosmos DB Database name

"AutoNumberStorageConnection": Connection string to azure storage account where autonumber library store file with last used sequence uid
"AutoNumberContainerName": Name of the Blob Container for autonumber library in storage account above
"AutoNumberBatchSize": Autonumber batch size. More details https://itnext.io/generate-auto-increment-id-on-azure-62cc962b6fa6
"AutoNumberMaxWriteAttempts":  Autonumber max write attemts

"FirebaseProjectId": Project id from firebase consele. Using for auth on some endpoints
"FirebaseUrl": Needed for sending notification to user app
"FirebaseServerKey": Needed for sending notification to user app https://developer.clevertap.com/docs/find-your-fcm-sender-id-fcm-server-api-key
"FirebaseSenderId": Needed for sending notification to user app https://developer.clevertap.com/docs/find-your-fcm-sender-id-fcm-server-api-key

"TwilioAccountSid": SMS provider setting https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223136607-What-is-an-Application-SID-
"TwilioAuthToken": SMS provider setting https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223136027-Auth-Tokens-and-How-to-Change-Them
"TwilioPhoneNumber":  SMS provider setting

"MfaTokenGeneratorSecret": Secret for OTP Token generator

"ConfirmInfectionNotificationEnabled": Enable or disable sending notification to all users whose was in contact wit other user that designate yourself as infected in app

"MedicalIdHashSalt": Salt used for generating medical hash. https://hashids.org/. Medical hash is for anonymous user identification by ministry of healt etc.
"MedicalIdHashMinValue": Setting of medical hash algoritm
"MedicalIdHashAlphabet": Setting of medical hash algoritm