
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

League Playtime API

This project will be continued under a different repository https://github.com/CowsWasTaken/nest-league-playtime-api

Unless this lets you see your total playtime (also with a filter for game modes) and a list of all matches played

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/CowsWasTaken/league-playtime-api.git

Go to the project directory (don't forget to set your API_KEY in the .env file)

  cd league-playtime-api

Run Database

  docker compose up

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start:dev

You can access the service on http://localhost:port/ (default is set to 4000)


Docker NodeJS

API_KEY Requirements

To get an API_KEY visit https://developer.riotgames.com/ , create an account and generate an API_KEY

Database Requirements

Make sure to have Docker and Docker Compose installed at your machine.

The latest version of mysql image is used for the database.

The Database schema can be seen in the schema.sql. As Query Builder is Knex.js used, so its relative versatile

Environment Variable Requirements

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file




What optimizations did you make in your code? E.g. refactors, performance improvements, accessibility

API Reference

Get Playtime

  GET /:platformValue/matches/:summonername?gameMode=ARAM
Parameter Type Description Model
:platformValue pathParam Required https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#_routing-values
:summonername pathParam Required
gameMode queryParam Optional https://static.developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol/gameModes.json

Returns played matches and playtime in seconds

    "gameMode": {
        "gameMode": "ARAM",
        "description": "ARAM games"
    "matchesCount": 866,
    "playtime": 1018842

Get all matches

  GET /:platformValue/matches/:summonername/detailed
Parameter Type Description Model
:platformValue pathParam Required https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#_routing-values
:summonername pathParam Required
        "matchId": "EUW1_5775938866",
        "gameDuration": 986,
        "gameCreation": 1647198074000,
        "gameEndTimestamp": 1647199186077,
        "gameId": 5775938866,
        "gameName": "teambuilder-match-5775938866",
        "gameType": "MATCHED_GAME",
        "gameMode": "ARAM",
        "mapId": 12
        "matchId": "EUW1_5776061973",
        "gameDuration": 1418,
        "gameCreation": 1647199393000,
        "gameEndTimestamp": 1647200912668,
        "gameId": 5776061973,
        "gameName": "teambuilder-match-5776061973",
        "gameType": "MATCHED_GAME",
        "gameMode": "ARAM",
        "mapId": 12

Fetch Matches

Fetch and store all Matches related to summoner in database.

Not yet optimized for fetching Summoner Matches at the same time, because the Rate Limit from the League API_KEY is quickly reached for Development Keys

  POST /:platformValue/matches/:summonername/execute
Parameter Type Description Model
:platformValue pathParam Required https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/lol#_routing-values
:summonername pathParam Required





If you need anything reach me out on Discord Cows#4692