
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Computer Networking Project - C/S and P2P demo

A python project of Computer Networking Course

Note that python will use tcp if we use socket packet and use its connection.

Both the C/S project and P2P project require a well designed protocol in application layer.

What is Protocol in Application Layer

A protocol should includes:

  1. Code Control(decoder and encoder).
  2. Procedures Control

Hand in hand to design a application protocol


  • 按编码分类:
    • 二进制
    • 明文
    • 混合
  • 按协议边界
    • 固定边界,即能够明确得知一个协议报文的长度。
    • 模糊边界,即无法明确知道协议报文的长度,通常需要通过某些特定的字节来界定报文是否结束。


  • 高效,包括打包解包,数据压缩率
  • 简单
  • 易于扩展
  • 容易兼容


  • 大小端
  • 网络字节序,一般是大端的。 socket库中提供了htonl(s)和ntohl(s)来实现本地字节序和网络字节序的转化。
  • 序列化与反序列化








应用层探活: 服务器和客户端都需要定时探测对方的连接是否通畅,通过echo-reply机制。一般来说reply将echo数据包原封不动地返回,数据包上还可以包含其他的数据,来进行贷款或者时延等等的检查。

RFC 4101

Writing Protocol Models

A protocol model needs to answer three basic questions:

  1. What problem is the protocol trying to achieve?
  2. What messages are being transmitted and what do they mean?
  3. What are the important, but unobvious, features of the protocol?

Basic Principles

C/S Transfer Protocol Model

TCP principles(the contents that can be found in the textbook is omitted):

短连接:连接 $\to$ 传输数据 $\to$ 关闭连接,即短连接是指socket连接后发送后接受完数据后马上断开连接。

长连接:连接 $\to$ 传输数据 $\to$ 保持连接 $\to$ 传输数据 $\to$ $\dots$ $\to$ 关闭连接,即长连接指建立socket连接后不管是否使用都保持连接。

TCP disadvantages:


  1. 粘包、半包、分包。

    reasons: 粘包:发送方将较小的数据包进行合并,或者接收方没有将数据包即使取走,一次性取出了多个数据包。




    如果发送数据无结构,如文件传输,这样发送方只管发送,接收方只管接收存储就ok,也不用考虑粘包。 注意粘包情况有两种,一种是粘在一起的包都是完整的数据包,另一种情况是粘在一起的包有不完整的包。


    • adding delimiters to the packets.
    • adding length information in the packets.
    • RingBuf

    What is RingBuf?



  1. 报文设计

    4.6 讨论:



    请求报文: 类型(协议)、服务、版本、文件名(200bytes)、序号(指明是哪一个请求)

    响应: 类型(协议)、服务、版本、序号、错误码、长度、数据(数据中加入分隔符)



错误码 描述
0 successful
1 does not exist

​ 协议如下图所示:


​ 数据体: 1. 需要分隔符(0xffff)来处理TCP粘包、半包、分包问题。 2. 如何切分数据:按最大的切分(2MB)

客户端: ​ 1. 发请求 ​ 2. 多线程 ​ 3. 交互式

服务器端: ​ 1. 接受请求并解析 ​ + 文件存在:根据长度打包 ​ + 文件不存在:设置错误码返回 ​ 2. 支持多线程

4.10 讨论


类型 服务 版本 序号
0 1 1 n

密钥: project-C/S and P2P protocol key




类型 服务 版本 序号
0 2 1 n

数据体: 文件路径名,间隔符回车。



clients request

  • if the resource request exists

    server reply, and then send the required resource.

  • if it doesn't exists

    server reply, and send message.

server close the connection.


test1.gif test2.gif

  • 类型:指明协议
  • 魔数:用以判断协议数据传输是否出错
  • 版本:协议版本
  • 服务号:指明协议上的服务
  • ID:同一个响应的第几个报文
  • 长度:报文的总长度
  • 数据体:数据






  1. 控制流程设计

    clients request

    • if the resource request exists

      server reply, and then send the required resource.

    • if it doesn't exists

      server reply, and send message.

    server close the connection.

P2P Transfer Protocol Model

  • BitTorrent Protocol--BTP/1.0

    The details of BitTorrent Protocol are shown in this website(I think this one is much better).

    And this wikipedia page.

    Official website

  • Implementation

    1. Lita's BitTorrent Implementation may be my main reference.

      • Pay attention to Pull Requests.
      • The issue #3 tells that there is a bug in the implementation.
    2. Zadexter's Implementation

      • 这个大哥的博客不见了,待回复。
    3. Over middle boxes such as NAT

  • Good tutorials

  • BitTorrent Specification Reading Notes

    • Specification Terminology
      • peers refers to BitTorrent clients running on other machines.
      • piece refers to a portion of the downloaded data described in the metainfo file. A block is a portion of data that a client request from a peer. Two or more blocks make up a whole piece.
      • Swarm refers to peers that actively operate on a given torrent.
      • Seeder refers to a peer that has a complete copy of a torrent.
    • Metainfo File Structure
      • piece size is set to 512KB, of best-practice.
    • Overall Operation
      • Tracker HTTP Protocol(THP)
        • The tracker is an HTTP/HTTPS service which responds to HTTP GET requests.
        • THP defines a method for contacting a tracker for the purposes of joining a swarm, reporting progress etc.
        • The selected port number is stored in Tracker.
      • Peer Wire Protocol(PWP)
        • PWP defines a mechanism for communication between peers, and is thus responsible for carrying out the actual download and upload of the torrent.
      • Details
        • In order for a client to download a torrent the following steps must be carried through:
          1. A metainfo file must be retrieved.
          2. Instructions that will allow the client to contact other peers must be periodically requested from the tracker using THP.
          3. The torrent must be downloaded by connecting to peers in the swarm and trading pieces using PWP.
        • To publish a torrent the following steps must be taken:
          1. A tracker must be set up.
          2. A metainfo file pointing to the tracker and containing information on the structure of the torrent must be produced and published.
          3. At least one seeder with access to the complete torrent must be set up(the "origin").
  • Advanced and Accepted Extended Protocol

    • DHT(The most expected to implement)
      • This is implemented over UDP.
      • Distance metric is XOR : $$distance(A, B) = |A \ xor \ B|.$$
      • Nodes maintain routing table.
    • Peer Exchange(PEX)
      • Peer Exchange (PEX) provides an alternative peer discovery mechanism for swarms once peers have bootstrapped via other mechanisms such as DHT or Tracker announces.
    • UDP Tracker Protocol for BitTorrent
      • To discover other peers in a swarm a client announces it's existance to a tracker. The HTTP protocol is used and a typical request contains the following parameters: info_hash, key, peer_id, port, downloaded, left, uploaded and compact. A response contains a list of peers (host and port) and some other information. The request and response are both quite short. Since TCP is used, a connection has to be opened and closed, introducing additional overhead.
    • Compact Representation of Peer List



  • Metainfo
    • function: decode and encode .torrent file.
  • Tracker
    • function:
      • records alive peers
    • Connect to new peers
      • allows new peers to join the torrent
    • Contacts with current torrent
      • contacts with peers and provides peer-list.
  • Client
    • function: requests to tracker and recives peer-list.
  • Peer
    • Handshake
      • function: handshakes with othet peers, with a threshold
    • selects pieces
    • selects peers
    • sends files
    • download files
    • Writing to Files

Programming Details


If we install bencode from pip, it will raise error, please install it from its official website.