Welcome to the ShaderPlayground repository! This repository is dedicated to exploring and experimenting with various graphics shaders, built with OpenGL and C++.
- ShaderDemos: Basic shader demonstations such as vertex shaders and color gradients.
- Lighting: Exploration of different lighting models, including Phong Lighting and shadow mapping.
- ProceduralTextures: Implementing procedural texture generation algorithms such as checkerboards and Perlin noise.
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/CozartKevin/ShaderPlayground
Set up dependencies (e.g., OpenGL, CMake).
Navigate to a specific project folder and follow its individual 'README.md' for setup and usage instructions.
|- README.md
|- Projects/
| |- ShaderDemos
| | |- BasicVertexShader/
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- PragmentColorGradient/
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- (Other shader demo projects)
| |
| |- Lighting
| | |- PhongLighting
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- ShadowMapping
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- (Other lighting-related projects)
| |
| |- ProceduralTextures
| | |- Checkerboard
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- PerlinNoise
| | | |- src/
| | | |- shaders/
| | | |- assets/
| | | |- README.md
| | |
| | |- (Other procedural texture projects)
| |
|- (other directories for future projects)