
First Person Controller for Godot

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


First Person Controller for Godot

Search on godot assetlib for this plugin/addon

First Person Controller for Godot Engine

This is a shortcut tool for setting up a first person player(specially for FPS games). Just install the asset in godot asset library and drag the ToBeDropped.tscn file from project pane to scene window. This create the first person shooter. You may need to delete camera's that you previously have made. Don't delete the camera of this scene


Sensitivity X
Horizontal Sensitivity of Mouse
Sensitivity Y
Vertical Sensitivity of Mouse
Invert Y Axis
If you move the mouse down camera will rotate upward if checked
Exit on Escape
Pressing on Escape will cause the game to quit. It is helpful while debugging but not recommended for production
Maximum Y Look
Maximum angle in degress you can look upward and downward
Accelaration of Walk Speed
Maximum Walk Speed
Maximum speed the player can walk. You can change this for sprinting purposes.
Jump Speed
Hope there's no need to explain

Good News!!!

Sprinting and Key to Sprint is coming in the next update!