
Primary LanguagePython



From pypi:

pip install meshparty

We try to keep the pypi version up to date. To install the git version do:

git clone https://github.com/sdorkenw/MeshParty.git
cd MeshParty
pip install . --upgrade

Be aware that this installs a specific cloudvolume branch to allow integration of the new pychunkedgraph format graphene.

You might need to install assimp as well:

sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev

Usage example

from mesh_party import trimesh_io

meshmeta = trimesh_io.MeshMeta()
mesh = meshmeta.mesh(path_to_mesh) # mesh gets cached

local_vertices = mesh.get_local_view(n_points, pc_align=True, method="kdtree")

Downloading meshes

Meshes can be downloaded in parallel using

trimesh_io.download_meshes(seg_ids, target_dir, cv_path)

where cv_path points to the cloudvolume bucket. For downloading proofread meshes one needs to specify the mesh_endpoint of the chunkedgraph server:

trimesh_io.download_meshes(seg_ids, target_dir, cv_path, mesh_endpoint="https://...")

Extracting mesh information

The mesh needs to be watertight In order to compute reliable information. To test whether a mesh is watertight, run


To make a mesh watertight do


Since trimesh_io.Mesh() inherits from trimesh.Trimesh all trimesh functionality is available to mesh, e.g.:
