- run
ornpm install
- install globally and use react-native-rename -
yarn global add react-native-rename
- create and checkout new branch
- run
react-native-rename <newName> -b <bundleIdentifier>
- change every occurrence of
to your desired package name - change the folder structure to location of
according to your package name - change app_name in
- change bundle Identifier in xCode
- change Display name in xCode
- Note: this won't change files in xCode etc., use automatic approach for that
- modify color string in
- example of logo files are in
- replace logo.png files in
- logo will be shown in the center of screen
- modify background color in
- if you want to show splash screen differently
- modify the
files to your liking - look at
. When app starts, it's going to use the AppTheme, after that the react-native-splash-screen will kick in and show the exact same splash screen using SplashScreenTheme
- by default, only portrait mode is allowed on phone devices, landscape is allowed for tablet
- this is set using
and with these lines in MainActivity.java inonCreate
if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.portrait_only)) {
- change it in xCode in
tab underDeployment Info
- delete ./tempAssets folder
project is using redux-devtools-extension, to use this, install:
- react-native-debugger, on macOS can be installed with
brew cask install react-native-debugger
- open with command
open "rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?host=localhost&port=8081"
- open with command
- possibly can be used in chrome with Redux DevTools, but I was unable to run it from there
npm run eslint
- run eslint check
npm run flow
- run flow check
npm run tsc
- watch for typescript errors
- if git hooks are not installed, run
./node_modules/git-hooks/bin/git-hooks install
- if you change path to your project folder (eg. you renamed it or moved it), delete folder
and run run./node_modules/git-hooks/bin/git-hooks install