

Primary LanguagePython


菜品识别(Fod Recognizer)Demo

1. 知识储备

  1. 爬虫的基本**
  2. python图像库对图片进行处理
  3. python二进制文件的制作
  4. 深度学习中神经网络的基本理念
  5. CNN(卷积神经网络)的构建

2. 获取数据集

2-1. 爬虫获取图片


def getIntPages(keyword, pages):
    params = []
    for i in range(30, 30*pages+30, 30):
            'ipn': 'rj',
            'is': '',
            'fp': 'result',
            'queryWord': keyword,
            'cl': '2',
            'lm': '-1',
            'ie': 'utf-8',
            'oe': 'utf-8',
            'st': '-1',
            'ic': '0',
            'word': keyword,
            'face': '0',
            'istype': '2',
            'nc': '1',
            'pn': i,
            'rn': '30'
    url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/acjson' #url 链接
    urls = []
    for i in params:
        content = requests.get(url, params=i).text
        img_urls = re.findall(r'"thumbURL":"(.*?)"', content) #正则获取图片链接
        #urls.append(requests.get(url,params = i).json().get('data'))
        #print("%d times : " % x, img_urls)
    return urls

def fetch_img(path,dataList):
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    x = 0
    for list in dataList:
        for i in list:
            print("=====downloading %d/1200=====" % (x + 1))
            ir = requests.get(i)
            open(path + '%d.jpg' % x, 'wb').write(ir.content)
            x += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/acjson'

    dataList = getIntPages('猪肉', 40) #获取40页猪肉的图片
    fetch_img("data/train/meat/", dataList)

2-2. 图片预处理

  • 图片删选 由于百度图片中爬取的图片五花八门非常复杂,有些图片和关键词差别很大,需要手动对其进行挑选,尽可能使得数据集贴近用户拍照菜品,由于是从demo开始,只使用蔬菜和水果作为数据集,后期可以再添加分类。

  • 图片压缩与转换,图片格式化(特征与标签的表示方式) 因使用的是CNN识别cifar10的数据集,需要将图片转化为32*32 size大小的图片,并全部转化为RGB模式的图片:

      #read file then return a (1,3072) array
      	def read_file(self, filename):
            	img = Image.open(filename)
            	img.convert('RGB') #转化为RGB
            	img = img.resize((32,32)) #压缩为32*32
                red, green, blue = img.split()
                red_arr = pltimg.pil_to_array(red)
                green_arr = pltimg.pil_to_array(green)
                blue_arr = pltimg.pil_to_array(blue)
                r_arr = red_arr.reshape(1024)
                g_arr = green_arr.reshape(1024)
                b_arr = blue_arr.reshape(1024)
                result = np.concatenate((r_arr, g_arr, b_arr))
                return result
            	except (ValueError):


    def save_pickle(self, result, label, label_name):
            print("=====saving picture, please wait=====")
            dic = {'label': label, 'data':result, 'label_name': label_name}
            file_path = "data/train_file/" + "data_batch_test"
            with open(file_path,'wb') as f:
                p.dump(dic, f)
            print("=====save mode end=====")


    def get_file_name(local_path):
        label = []
        label_name = []
        file = []
        for i, dirs in enumerate(os.listdir(local_path)):
            for f in os.listdir((os.path.join(local_path,dirs))):
                img_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(local_path,dirs), f)
        return file, label, label_name


2-3. 训练、测试数据的准备

  • 使用上述代码将处理好的2692张蔬菜水果图片制作为训练数据集data_batch_train,将另外299张图片制作为测试数据集data_batch_test

  • 读取到data_batch文件中的data与label并进行存储返回

    def unpickle(filename):
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            dict = p.load(f, encoding='bytes')
        return dict
    def load_data_once(filename):
        batch = unpickle(filename)
        data = batch['data']
        labels = batch['label']
        print("reading data and labels from %s" % filename)
        return data,labels
    def load_data(filequeue, data_dir, labels_count):
        global image_size, image_channels
        data, labels = load_data_once(data_dir + '/' + filequeue[0])
        for f in filequeue[1:]:
            data_f, label_f = load_data_once(data_dir + '/' + f)
            data = np.append(data,data_f,axis=0)
            labels = np.append(labels, label_f,axis = 0)
        labels = np.array([ [float(i == label) for i in range(labels_count) ]
                            for label in labels])
        data = data.reshape([-1,image_channels, image_size, image_size])
        data = data.transpose([0,2,3,1])
        return data, labels


    def random_crop(batch, crop_shape, padding = None):
        img_shape = np.shape(batch[0])
        if padding:
            img_shape = (img_shape[0] + 2*padding,img_shape[1], 2*padding)
        newPad = ((padding,padding), (padding,padding), (0,0))
        for i in range(len(batch)):
            if padding:
                new_batch[i] = np.lib.pad(batch[i], pad_width=newPad,
                                          mode='constant', constant_values=0)
                new_height = random.randint(0, img_shape[0] - crop_shape[0])
                new_wight= random.randint(0, img_shape[1] - crop_shape[1])
                new_batch[i] = new_batch[i][new_height:new_height + crop_shape[0],
                               new_wight:new_wight + crop_shape[1]]
        return new_batch
    def random_flip_leftRight(batch):
        for i in range(len(batch)):
            if bool(random.getrandbits):
                batch[i] = np.fliplr(batch[i])
        return batch
    def color_preProcess(x_train, x_test):
        x_train = x_train.astype('float32')
        x_test = x_test.astype('float32')
        x_train[:,:,:,0] = (x_train[:,:,:,0] - np.mean(x_train[:,:,:,0])) / np.std(x_train[:,:,:,0])
        x_train[:,:,:,1] = (x_train[:,:,:,1] - np.mean(x_train[:,:,:,1])) / np.std(x_train[:,:,:,1])
        x_train[:,:,:,2] = (x_train[:,:,:,2] - np.mean(x_train[:,:,:,2])) / np.std(x_train[:,:,:,2])
        x_test[:,:,:,0] = (x_test[:,:,:,0] - np.mean(x_test[:,:,:,0])) / np.std(x_test[:,:,:,0])
        x_test[:,:,:,1] = (x_test[:,:,:,1] - np.mean(x_test[:,:,:,1])) / np.std(x_test[:,:,:,1])
        x_test[:,:,:,2] = (x_test[:,:,:,2] - np.mean(x_test[:,:,:,2])) / np.std(x_test[:,:,:,2])
        return x_train, x_test
    def data_augmentation(batch):
        batch = random_flip_leftRight(batch)
        batch = random_crop(batch, [32,32], 4)
        return batch

3. 算法的选择与模型训练

3-1. 算法选择

使用广为流传的识别cifar10数据集的CNN神经网络,原因有二,一是CNN 作为比较成熟的算法模型,在cifar10分类中可以获得91%左右的准确率,在mnist数据集中可以获得97%以上的的准确率;二是CNN模型的构建相对容易理解,属于比较基础的模型之一,方便以后的调参优化改进。

3-2. 模型搭建


def conv(x, is_train, shape):
    he_initializer = tf.contrib.keras.initializers.he_normal()
    W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=shape, initializer=he_initializer)
    b = tf.get_variable('bias', shape=[shape[3]], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer)
    x = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
    x = tf.nn.bias_add(x, b)
    return tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x, decay=0.9, center=True, scale=True, epsilon=1e-3, is_training=is_train,

模型使用三层卷积,命名为conv1, conv2, conv3, 每层卷积后创建2层池化层, 命名为mlp1-1, mlp1-2,再进行最大池化、dropout防止过拟合后返回一层输出层并作为下一层的输入。最后第三层卷积后的输出作为softmax层的输入,返回图像数据与label数组。

with tf.variable_scope('conv1'):
    output = conv(x, use_bn, [5, 5, 3, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp1-1'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 192, 160])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp1-2'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 160, 96])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.name_scope('max_pool-1'):
    output = max_pool(output, 3, 2)

with tf.name_scope('dropout-1'):
    output = tf.nn.dropout(output, keep_prob)

with tf.variable_scope('conv2'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [5, 5, 96, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp2-1'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 192, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp2-2'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 192, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.name_scope('max_pool-2'):
    output = max_pool(output, 3, 2)

with tf.name_scope('dropout-2'):
    output = tf.nn.dropout(output, keep_prob)

with tf.variable_scope('conv3'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [3, 3, 192, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp3-1'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 192, 192])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.variable_scope('mlp3-2'):
    output = conv(output, use_bn, [1, 1, 192, 2])
    output = activation(output)

with tf.name_scope('global_avg_pool'):
    output = global_avg_pool(output, 8, 1)

with tf.name_scope('softmax'):
    output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, 2]) #由于当前只有两个分类,故softmax输出一个两列数组


    with tf.name_scope('cross_entropy'):
        cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=output))

    with tf.name_scope('l2_loss'):
        l2 = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()])
    #使用Momentum 作为迭代优化器
    with tf.name_scope('train_step'):
        train_step = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, FLAGS.momentum, use_nesterov=True).minimize(
            cross_entropy + l2 * FLAGS.weight_decay)

    with tf.name_scope('prediction'):
        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(output, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1))
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))


saver = tf.train.Saver()

3-3. 模型的训练与评估


        #saver.restore(sess, "./check/model.ckpt")
        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.log_save_path, sess.graph)

        for ep in range(1, FLAGS.epochs + 1):
            lr = learning_rate_schedule(ep)
            pre_index = 0
            train_acc = 0.0
            train_loss = 0.0
            start_time = time.time()

            print("\nepoch %d/%d:" % (ep, FLAGS.epochs))

            for it in range(1, FLAGS.iteration + 1):
                if pre_index + FLAGS.batch_size < 50000: #分批次提取训练数据
                    batch_x = train_x[pre_index:pre_index + FLAGS.batch_size]
                    batch_y = train_y[pre_index:pre_index + FLAGS.batch_size]
                    batch_x = train_x[pre_index:]
                    batch_y = train_y[pre_index:]

                batch_x = data_augmentation(batch_x)

                _, batch_loss = sess.run([train_step, cross_entropy],
                                         feed_dict={x: batch_x, y_: batch_y, use_bn: True, keep_prob: FLAGS.dropout,
                                                    learning_rate: lr})
                batch_acc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: batch_x, y_: batch_y, use_bn: True, keep_prob: 1.0}) #精度预测

                train_loss += batch_loss
                train_acc += batch_acc
                pre_index += FLAGS.batch_size
                if it == FLAGS.iteration:
                    train_loss /= FLAGS.iteration
                    train_acc /= FLAGS.iteration

                    train_summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag="train_loss", simple_value=train_loss),
                                                      tf.Summary.Value(tag="train_accuracy", simple_value=train_acc)])

                    val_acc, val_loss, test_summary = run_testing(sess)

                    summary_writer.add_summary(train_summary, ep)
                    summary_writer.add_summary(test_summary, ep)

                        "iteration: %d/%d, cost_time: %ds, train_loss: %.4f, train_acc: %.4f, test_loss: %.4f, test_acc: %.4f" % (
                        it, FLAGS.iteration, int(time.time() - start_time), train_loss, train_acc, val_loss, val_acc))
                    #checkpt_path = "./check/model.ckpt"
                    #saver.save(sess, checkpt_path)
                    #print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)
                else: #训练数据集的评估
                    print("iteration: %d/%d, train_loss: %.4f, train_acc: %.4f" % (
                    it, FLAGS.iteration, train_loss / it, train_acc / it), end='\r')
                    #checkpt_path = "./check/model.ckpt"
                    #saver.save(sess, checkpt_path)

在经过82次模型的运行,使用0.01的learning rate, 每次进行43次迭代后可以看到该模型预测精度可以达到97%:

4. 新样本预测

  • 图片转换、预处理 当使用模型预测一个新的样本的时候,同样需要将图片转化为32*32的size并转化为RGB模式的图片以防图片识别失败,之所以要加转为RGB式语句是因为在预处理中遇到过valueError,提示在RGB三通道split的时候返回值不匹配,可能是图片本身并不是RGB模式导致的。
  • 特征格式化表示 进行预处理完毕后需要将该图片转为一个1*3072的array,其中第一个1024维度为Red通道,第二个1024维度为Green通道,第三个1024维度为Blue通道 至此图片特征格式化完毕。

5. 后期优化


  • 对图片的删选,在制作训练数据集的时候还需要进一步对图片进行处理,挑选一些和用户拍照接近的菜品
  • 需要更多的菜品分类来更贴近生活如添加肉类分类流程工作图:

6. 模型流程图