
Using Asp.Net with Unit Tests and AngularJs create a Webapp that uses public APIs provided by services like Forecast.io, WeatherBug,WeatherUnderground, etc for weather related data and display the current and 7 day weather forecast from these different sources

Primary LanguageC#

Chatham Weather Dashboard Exam


The solutions in this repo solves the following:

We would like you to build a small webapp for a weather dashboard. Your Webapp would hook into 2-3 of the public APIs provided by services like Forecast.io, WeatherBug,WeatherUnderground, etc. for weather related data and display the current and 7-day weather forecast from these different sources. Please feel free to pick technologies you are familiar with or prefer and you have complete creative control over how the dashboard looks and functions. The only thing we ask, is that in addition to the code that you create unit tests around the code that you write.

I saw an opportunity here to learn the new NET Core framework and the C#6 features in backend and neat grids and karma tests on the front end.

I used many IDEs for coding this solution, like Atom with Omnisharp, Visual Studio 2015 Community and Idea's Project Rider.


To solve the exam, the following solutions were created:

  • RestClientHelper:

A Helper for the REST calls we will be doing. The created implementation reads the response asynchronously and uses gzip.

  • WeatherServices:

WebApi solution created with ASP.NET Core that wraps the other forecast services and provides a predictable response no matter which provider is used.

Uses Cache to save api calls, and has setup Cors to enable cross origin calls.

Takes advantage of the new provided ASP.NET Core's IoC container.

  • WeatherServices.Tests:

Unit Tests for WeatherServices

  • AngularFrontend:

AngularJs App that consumes the WeatherServices WebApi and displays the dashboard.

Base project created using the fountainjs generator.

Uses bootstrap-sass for the styles, bourbon bitters for the normalization and neat for the grid framework.

Also uses skycons angular library to show the animated weather icons


For the WebApi you need:

For the AngularJs project you need:



  1. Go to the the WeatherServices solution Root Folder

  2. Run the following commands

    dotnet restore
    dotnet build
    dotnet run

Forecast Dashboard Project

  1. Go to the AngularFrontEnd solution Root Folder

  2. Run the following commands

    npm install
    bower install
    gulp build
    gulp serve

.Net Test Projects

  1. Go to the root of the .Net Test Solution you want to test

  2. Run the following commands

    dotnet restore
    dotnet pack
    dotnet test

Forecast Dashboard Project Tests

  1. Go to the AngularFrontEnd solution Root Folder

  2. Run the following commands

    gulp test

Alternative .Net Projects usage for Windows users

Alt Requirements

  • Visual Studio 2015 IDE with Update 3
  • NetCore for Visual Studio


  • Project Rider

Alt Usage

  • Open the ChathamWeather.sln with one of the two mentioned editors
  • Run the WeatherServices Project or Run its tests


  • Increase Code Coverage in front and backend
  • Stop mapping the icon implementation on the backend and create an angular filter on the frontend to handle the icon implementation
  • Use breakpoints in the frontend to modify the grid on mobile phone sizes
  • Move some parameters in the WebApi to the configuration file
  • Extract the cache manager to a new library and add it to the WebApi dependences