
FINNALLY --- these 2 scripts automate my Xfinity Wifi Captive Portal that I kept running into on the public wifi hotspot -- stay tuned

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


In order to install, you need to install selenium via pip install selenium and install geckodriver. You MUST have Firefox installed.


  • Currently, the program crashes if you are offered a "Special Offer", as this popup blocks the continue button on the rate selection screen.
  • Timings are dependent on your hotspot. The last wait is the longest, and most likely to need tweaking.

How to use

  • In order to use, you need to randomize your MAC address and reconnect to the XFinity Wifi hotspot. This can be done via my Mac-Automator program.
  • Then, once your computer prompts you to do the captive portal login, just run python main.py