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What is RDP?

  • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a network communications protocol developed by Microsoft, which allows users to connect to another computer from a remote location.

How long does this RDP stay active?

  • This RDP stays active for to 1 Hour sometimes 6 Hours.

How to use it?

First Step

  1. Press the fork button
  2. Login or signup to ngrok: https://ngrok.com
  3. Now visit here for token: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/auth/your-authtoken

You'll get token from here. It'll be needed to the next step.

Second Step

  1. In your forked repo: Go to Settings > Secrets > Action > New Repository Secret
  2. In the name section, enter this text: NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN
  3. In the value section, enter the ngrok token
  4. Then press Add Secret
  5. Now go to Action > Villain.In.Glasses (Left Menu) > Run Workflow
  6. Refresh the page and go to Villain.In.Glasses > build option
  7. You'll get IP, Username & Password from Connect to RDP section.

Third Step

  1. Search Remote Desktop Connection from Windows Start Menu and open.
  2. Put IP without tcp:// and enter Username & click Connect.
  3. Later on, put the password for credential/auth.



