In this repo, you will find a lot of my research on the game, including packet information and structure.
- please note I have not completely finished this and some information might and very well could be wrong. I lost interest in the game a little while ago, but felt I should share my findings for others trying to learn.
whatever you have done with this information was done by yourself, I am just sharing my findings
Name | Description | Length (bytes) | Shorthand |
uint8 | a unsigned 8 bit integer | 1 | u8 |
uint16 | a unsigned 16 bit integer | 2 | u16 |
uint32 | a unsigned 32 bit integer | 4 | u32 |
float32 | a floating point number | 4 | f32 |
float64 | a floating point number | 8 | f64 |
... | a list of values | 2+ | ... |
Packet Name | Description | Status |
0x00 | a single byte, sent by the client when it is ready, in the game code also used as a ping | complete |
0x01 | contains screen dimensions of the client | complete |
0x03 | spawn packet, contains name of the player | complete |
0x04 | leave packet | complete |
0x05 | input packet | complete |
0x07 | resize packet | complete |
0x08 | click packet | complete |
A single byte that is sent by the client when it is ready to start receiving packets from the server. It is also be used as a ping packet.
A 5 byte packet containing screen dimensions of the client. This packet is sent just before the 0x00
01 7E 00 61 00
u8(header) u16(screen width / 10) u16(screen height / 10)
This is the spawn packet, sent when a player wants to spawn into the game. The length of this packet is dependent on the name length, which is capped at 15 characters. It is always 3 bytes plus double the names character count. The character list is terminated by a null value.
03 74 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 31 00 32 00 33 00 00 00
u8(header) ...[u16(characters of name, continues until a null value is read)]
A single byte, sent to the server when the client leaves the game.
This is the main input packet. Contains the player/mouse angle, along with other flags regarding input.
0 : nothing
1 : throttle
2 : screen is unfocussed
If you were to have throttle enabled, and have the screen unfocussed, you would have a flags value of 3
05 40 63 14 01 0E 28 F0 3F 03
u8(header) f64(mouse angle in radians) u8(flags)
This packet is sent when the client resizes the window, structured the same as the 0x01
07 7E 00 61 00
u8(header) u16(screen width / 10) u16(screen height / 10)
A simple packet that is always 2 bytes. This is sent whenever the client clicks, or unclicks.
08 01
u8(header) u8(clicking boolean)
Packet Name | Description | Status |
0x00 | ping packet | complete |
0xa0 | map config | complete |
0xa1 | contains our id | complete |
0xa4 | events | complete |
0xa6 | map | complete |
0xb4 | update, creation, deletion packet | structured |
0xb5 | leaderboard | complete |
A simple ping packet
This packet contains information about the map, similar to 0xa6
A0 00 80 54 44 00 80 54 44 02
u8(header) f32(mapx)? f32(mapy)?
Contains the players ID.
A1 91 DF 00 00
u8(header) u32(id)
This packet is sent when either a player is killed by us, or we die by a player. It triggers the notification on screen. Depending on the flag at the second byte, the packet will either contain the name and id of a player we have killed (if it is 1), or the id and name of a player who killed us (if it is 2). Stop reading if the flag is null.
A4 02 2A BB 51 00 55 00 45 00 20 00 54 00 4F 00 4E 00 54 00 4F 00 20 00 45 00 52 00 45 00 53 00 20 00 00 00 00
u8(header) u8(flag) u16(id) ...[u16(char of name, continues until null value is read)]
This packet contains the X, Y, and radius of every player.
A6 45 00 5E 7F F3 68 E3 8B D7 23 6A 80 6A 6B F9 36 53 96 0B 38 16 66 38 24 B7 36 A5 73 2A 31 2B 26 96 5B 26 97 7E 26 CB C3 22 4B A1 22 61 A8 23 BA BB 1A 85 D3 0F B9 8B 0F 1F A1 0F 97 82 08 C4 5C 08 0A B9 08 60 62 08 48 AF 08 DB 45 08 AD 98 08 AB B2 00 B3 FD 00 7E 2C 00 86 26 00 CB 60 00 B7 6B 00 5B C9 00 A8 68 00 0E B7 00 55 BA 00 0A D3 00 41 32 00 49 51 00 2D 5F 00 42 BC 00 1D 48 00 91 80 00 72 95 00 20 D8 00 0D BD 00 45 C9 00 94 4F 00 9E E0 00 6E 81 30 2C 79 00 34 4E 00 A2 5B 00 17 6E 00 7C C9 00 C9 96 00 FC 4E 00 6D 70 00 59 56 00 31 4D 00 1F 41 00 31 88 00 F9 84 00 38 29 00 54 FF 00 48 49 00 70 AE 00 9B 43 00 2B 12 00
u8(header) u16(count) ...[u8(x) u8(y) u8(r)]
This is the update, delete, and creation packet. It contains information about the leader x, y, and id, along with creations, updates, and deletions of entities.
I lost interest before diving deep into this packet, if I ever decide to come back to this project I will update this part. In the meantime, if anyone would like to make a pull request on this part, feel free to do so and you will be credited.
This leaderboard packet. Used to update the in game leaderboard.
u8(header) ...[u16(id, stop reading if this is null) f32(score) ...[u16(char of name, terminated by a null value)]]
If anyone has newer information, or would like to help out in any way, please submit a pull request or open an issue.