
Writing a Compiler for a basic language created to learn the operation and working of compilers.


comment ::= /* NOT(/) / token ::= ident | keyword | frame_op_keyword | filter_op_keyword | image_op_keyword | boolean_literal | int_literal | separator | operator ident ::= ident_start ident_part (but not reserved) ident_start ::= A .. Z | a .. z | $ | _ ident_part ::= ident_start | ( 0 .. 9 ) int_literal ::= 0 | (1..9) (0..9)* keyword ::= integer | boolean | image | url | file | frame | while | if | sleep | screenheight | screenwidth filter_op_keyword ∷= gray | convolve | blur | scale image_op_keyword ∷= width | height frame_op_keyword ∷= xloc | yloc | hide | show | move boolean_literal ::= true | false separator ::= ; | , | ( | ) | { | } operator ::= | | & | == | != | < | > | <= | >= | + | - | * | / | % | ! | -> | |-> | <-


program ::= IDENT block program ::= IDENT param_dec ( , param_dec )* block paramDec ::= ( KW_URL | KW_FILE | KW_INTEGER | KW_BOOLEAN) IDENT block ::= { ( dec | statement) * } dec ::= ( KW_INTEGER | KW_BOOLEAN | KW_IMAGE | KW_FRAME) IDENT statement ::= OP_SLEEP expression ; | whileStatement | ifStatement | chain ; | assign ; assign ::= IDENT ASSIGN expression chain ::= chainElem arrowOp chainElem ( arrowOp chainElem)* whileStatement ::= KW_WHILE ( expression ) block ifStatement ::= KW_IF ( expression ) block arrowOp ∷= ARROW | BARARROW chainElem ::= IDENT | filterOp arg | frameOp arg | imageOp arg filterOp ::= OP_BLUR |OP_GRAY | OP_CONVOLVE frameOp ::= KW_SHOW | KW_HIDE | KW_MOVE | KW_XLOC |KW_YLOC imageOp ::= OP_WIDTH |OP_HEIGHT | KW_SCALE arg ::= ε | ( expression ( ,expression)* ) expression ∷= term ( relOp term)* term ∷= elem ( weakOp elem)* elem ∷= factor ( strongOp factor)* factor ∷= IDENT | INT_LIT | KW_TRUE | KW_FALSE | KW_SCREENWIDTH | KW_SCREENHEIGHT | ( expression ) relOp ∷= LT | LE | GT | GE | EQUAL | NOTEQUAL weakOp ∷= PLUS | MINUS | OR
strongOp ∷= TIMES | DIV | AND | MOD


Program ∷= List Block ParamDec ∷= type ident Block ∷= List List Dec ∷= type ident Statement ∷= SleepStatement | WhileStatement | IfStatement | Chain | AssignmentStatement SleepStatement ∷= Expression AssignmentStatement ∷= IdentLValue Expression Chain ∷= ChainElem | BinaryChain ChainElem ::= IdentChain | FilterOpChain | FrameOpChain | ImageOpChain IdentChain ∷= ident FilterOpChain ∷= filterOp Tuple FrameOpChain ∷= frameOp Tuple ImageOpChain ∷= imageOp Tuple BinaryChain ∷= Chain (arrow | bararrow) ChainElem WhileStatement ∷= Expression Block IfStatement ∷= Expression Block Expression ∷= IdentExpression | IntLitExpression | BooleanLitExpression | ConstantExpression | BinaryExpression IdentExpression ∷= ident IdentLValue ∷= ident IntLitExpression ∷= intLit BooleanLitExpression ∷= booleanLiteral ConstantExpression ∷= screenWidth | screenHeight BinaryExpression ∷= Expression op Expression Tuple :≔ List op ∷= relOp | weakOp | strongOp type ∷= integer | image | frame | file | boolean | url