- 2
images upload sideways
#199 opened by Vigneshpdev - 7
Webpack compatibility
#198 opened by zedtux - 4
Ocassional NPE in ColorThief.prototype.getColor
#197 opened by DallanQ - 2
All options in one variable
#144 opened by CrackerakiUA - 7
- 9
Add support for commonjs ?
#170 opened by carloscuatin - 17
Cropper doesn't work on most Android mobile browsers
#171 opened by ozknemoy - 1
Cropject rounding error affecting width
#174 opened by FirstVertex - 0
not working on android device
#176 opened by omhybrid - 6
Rotate Image inside Crop Container.
#177 opened by datadreamersllc - 1
- 2
- 0
Beautify Official webpage
#178 opened by CrackerakiUA - 9
Does not work with internet explorer 11
#183 opened by vincaslt - 6
result-image-quality is not reducing my image size
#184 opened by bmwertman - 2
- 4
- 1
some issue about result image
#196 opened by shenghou - 8
Aspect Ratio Bug
#168 opened by tmclemons - 7
- 2
Firefox Zero Width/Height Canvas Print Issue
#140 opened by joelcdoyle - 1
So the new repository is ui-cropper?
#194 opened by astw - 1
How do I use on-change?
#192 opened by Fossil01 - 2
Multiple image sizes
#190 opened by sureshkoduri - 5
"area-coords" not relative to raw image
#186 opened by mrjeanjean - 2
Example ngImgCrop use different sizes
#128 opened by ignacio-chiazzo - 2
New repo location?
#189 opened by j-walker23 - 2
New Repo?
#188 opened by RobbertWolfs - 1
Doesn't work with webpack
#187 opened by tooba-ahmed-10p - 2
Set aspect ratio with a passing variable
#173 opened by angelortiz-io - 1
License link in README is broken
#175 opened by metodribic - 11
Move to an organisation?
#161 opened by simison - 9
Amazon S3 CORS
#162 opened by thierryskoda - 3
Result is "image/png" when "image/jpeg" was requested via resultImageFormat
#163 opened by FirstVertex - 0
Receive Js error on IOS Chrome
#164 opened by FirstVertex - 0
cropject not initialized when receiving on-change notification for the first time
#166 opened by FirstVertex - 10
Add repo to Travis
#157 opened by rickerd - 8
Can't install with angular 1.4.12
#154 opened by TM1584875DM - 2
Error with webkitURL
#129 opened by eliseguimaraes - 12
Crash on startup
#133 opened by MaximilianLloyd - 8
what is the best way to reuse the crop area?
#148 opened by cxnunes - 3
New tag 0.6.0
#152 opened by rickerd - 5
New repo to drop fork
#151 opened by rickerd - 1
Github pages not updated
#147 opened by rickerd - 2
New tag/release? 0.5.5
#146 opened by rickerd - 4
result-image-quality doesn't work
#130 opened by abelbarbosa - 2
Cant import library into project
#136 opened by DmitryVolkovTulaco - 4
- 1
- 1
result-image-format not working
#126 opened by shinevk