
An Application to Fix your Ice Station Z SaveData, With a simple GUI, along with a modern Version of .Zplg and .ISplg Plugin Support, and Data Parsing into JSON.

Primary LanguagePython


  • An Application for ISZ (Ice Station Z) that Attempts to Fixes your ISZ Data0, Data1, Data2 Corrupted.

Custom Plugin Formats!

Name:         Format:                Extension:
Zombie        Text Plugin Format     *.Zplg  
Ice Station   Text Plugin Format     *.ISplg
Grey Base     Binary Plugin Format   *.GBplg

*.Zplg Plugin Example:

  • *.Zplg Support! .Zplg has been revamped completely! Allowing for extremely easy writing of BugFix Plugins.
  • Fully Text-Base with no encoding/decoding. And singular byte manipulation.
CREATOR = TheRealYunix
GOTO = 32
NOTE = Changes Health to 9999

*.ISplg Plugin Example:

  • *.ISplg Support! A plugin with some security Features to Protect your Work, along with some improvements to the .Zplg Format.
  • If you want it too be Encrypted/Decrypted you need to use a Custom Script and .dll to Encrypt/Decrypt. Otherwise, set the ENCODED Attribute to an Int 0.
  • This plugin is 100% readable and able to be modified when not Encrypted.
  • Allows modification of multiple bytes of your choice 1-4 bytes/bytearray, bigger Numbers such as 9999 will be a 2-Bytearray instead of Singular Byte.
  • e = "everything" Everything on that line is the same as the Value that Follows it. Example: You want all the values on that line to be a Int Value of 9999, you would Use: a9999.
  • s = "singular" A Singular Value that only works for one byte, Example: You want to GOTO both the bytes: 0x283, 0x222, you'd Use: s283, s222, to change BOTH of there values.
  • a = "after byte" An operator for everything (including the byte) afterward to be the same Value. Example: s223, s9999, a100, which inbcludes all bytes (including the 3rd) to be an Int Value of 100.
CREATOR = Cracko298
GOTO = s32, s36, s40, s44
CRASH_RANGE_MAX = s100, s102, a104
NOTE = Changes All Stats to 9999.

*.GBplg Plugin Example:

  • *.GBplg Support! A binary plugin format that makes it very space efficient, it has the same issue as .Zplg However, only allowing Modification of a Singlular Byte.
  • Doesn't support notes, only Creator/Developer Name.
43 72 61 63 6B 6F 32 39 38 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 64 00 0F 27
^Name                                  ^Byte ^     ^     ^CHANGE_VALUE
                                             ^     ^

How to use?

Place the exported save slots (Data0, Data1, Data2) in the same directory as the tool.

New version(v0.3): image

Old version(v0.3): image