
Bad local variable type with IItemOnUse

QuantumBlink1337 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I'm currently working on a script to allow for a custom item to be clicked on a custom block, and to randomly give a new item to them.

However, I'm experiencing a bad local variable type error, around line 126 (I think).

Here's my crafttweaker log:

Thank you for any assistance!
Items don't exist at that point, check for == "contenttweaker:hard_drive"

You also have some errors in other files. I'm not sure what particularly is causing the "bad local variable type," but it could very well be caused by the above error

I switched the check out, but now I'm getting an error with item, plus the bad local type never went away.

because the item in my example was a placeholder for the player's item, whatever you need to check

and if the bad local type is indeed caused by an error in the function, then it would still happen because you have a new error