- 1
- 2
How about a custom register name?
#281 opened by Ecdcaeb - 2
[1.12.2]How to use PartDataPiece
#284 opened by ztblat - 0
When do we get 1.20.1?
#283 opened by millennIumAMbiguity - 1
- 0
- 0
[1.12.2] Using the "<item:..." handler on items whose id contains "." creates error(s).
#279 opened by thanasishadow - 3
[1.16] Add Support for Side Culling
#248 opened by EpicPuppy613 - 2
- 0
[1.12.2] Use resource packs when creating items
#277 opened by zfms4188 - 0
Imprecise syntax
#276 opened by TonTonAsoX - 2
- 1
- 1
Please make this mod available for 1.19.2
#273 opened by Techboy2022 - 0
Furnace-style rotatable blocks
#274 opened by blockgoblin31 - 0
1.18 example script not working
#271 opened by Hexasphere0 - 0
[1.12.2][Wiki Entry] Creative Tab Example
#270 opened by Xarmat-GitHub - 0
- 1
- 1
what is base mod
#268 opened by amongus2k8 - 3
Can't add "Magnetic" trait as a Custom Material Trait (1.12)(Tinkers' Construct)
#231 opened by Pacca64 - 1
Will 1.18x consider material system?
#267 opened by Oganesson897 - 0
[1.18.2] Create Fluid
#266 opened by AlexDevBoi - 0
- 2
unable to create file system contentweaker:ass?
#264 opened by 435THz - 1
[1.18.2] Crash on creating custom items
#263 opened by remplerus - 7
[1.18.2 - Forge] Crashes on startup
#260 opened by Shadowdragon019 - 2
ContentTweaker scripts not working in 1.18.2
#262 opened by Nevrai - 2
Replace behavior in .itemRightClick - item is not disappearing when calling .shrink on the stack
#236 opened by QuantumBlink1337 - 1
Update to 1.18.x
#258 opened by OfficialPixelBrush - 2
Crash on start-up (1.18.2, Forge)
#261 opened by Nevrai - 0
Pickaxes not breaking certain wood-level blocks
#259 opened by AlexDevBoi - 1
- 2
[1.16.5] Fluid properties not being applied.
#252 opened by Drymouthman - 4
- 1
(sugestion) "withHarvestLevel" dosen't delete the drop when you mine it with the incorrect tool/ hands
#228 opened by Appdato - 1
Fluids not usable in crafting
#244 opened by TacocaTYT - 1
I found a spelling mistake on the wiki
#247 opened by xianyujunshigeCDD - 1
[Question] Why isn't it loading for me?
#250 opened by m4rcyonstation - 3
- 0
[Suggestion] add 'isFuel()' to itemBuilder.
#245 opened - 3
1.16 is interpreting color integers oddly
#243 opened by dshadowwolf - 0
- 0
- 1
Not accepting variables
#239 opened by idkimanerd - 1
- 4
Mod not tagged for 1.16.5 on CurseForge
#230 opened by Renari - 3
Bad local variable type with IItemOnUse
#235 opened by QuantumBlink1337 - 1
- 1
Content tweaker
#232 opened