
A Scalyr transport for winston

Getting started

Install the winston-scalyr package from npm:

  $ npm install winston-scalyr

To configure the transport

const winston = require('winston')
const scalyr = require('winston-scalyr')
const transports = []
    new scalyr.ScalyrTransport({
      logfile: 'your-service-name',
      serverHost: os.hostname(),
      parser: 'json',
      session: `something-unique-host-version-service-name`,
      token: 'your-secret-token-from-scalyr'
  level: 'info',

logfile The name of the log file being written to. This will probably be the name of your service.

serviceHost machine the service is running on

session This should be unique for this service, version and host

token "Write Logs" API token. Find API tokens at

Optional parameters

maxBatchSize The maximum number of events to include in a single batch. Default is 500

parser set a parser in scalyr to separate fields into columns. More documentation can be found here.

maxQueueSize The maximum number of events to keep in a queue. After this number logs will be dropped. This is to avoid memory leaks if is down or you can't connect. Default is 5,000

frequencyMs The time to wait between checking for event batches. Default is 5000

sessionInfo Additional information about the session. See No Default

level Level of messages that this transport should log. Default is verbose

autoStart Allows you to manually call flush, or close the logger to push all logs. Default is true



  • yarn
  • typescript
  • node 10 or greater

clone to repository

then run ./

This should install the modules via yarn, run the tests and create the package


Both examples require an environment variable setup for the SCALYR_TOKEN

  $ export SCALYR_TOKEN=my-token


  $ node build/simple.js


  $ node build/restify.js