Create react screenshot

React hook which allows you to make component screenshot and get an image.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide Maintainability


Note, this package has as peerDependencies: react and html2canvas. As we assume that you already have react installed, you can just install html2canvas.

To install package run:

npm install --save use-react-screenshot

To install peerDependencies run:

npm install --save react html2canvas


See this codesandbox playground or /example folder if you want to play with hook.


A simple example which allows you to take a screenshot and place it as an image on the page.

import React, { createRef, useState } from 'react'
import { useScreenshot } from 'use-react-screenshot'

export default () => {
  const ref = createRef(null)
  const [image, takeScreenshot] = useScreenshot()
  const getImage = () => takeScreenshot(ref.current)
  return (
        <button style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }} onClick={getImage}>
          Take screenshot
      <img width={width} src={image} alt={'Screenshot'} />
      <div ref={ref}>
          <strong>hook by @vre2h which allows to create screenshots</strong>


MIT © vre2h

This hook is created using create-react-hook.