
Unofficial Python client for the BigCommerce API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial Python client for the BigCommerce API.

This project is currently in an alpha state.


pip install bigc 


To authenticate, you'll need the BigCommerce store's hash and an access token.

from bigc import BigCommerceAPI

store_hash = '000000000'
access_token = '0000000000000000000000000000000'
bigcommerce = BigCommerceAPI(store_hash, access_token)

order: dict = bigcommerce.orders.get(101)
orders: list[dict] = list(bigcommerce.orders.all(customer_id=1))

The following resources are currently supported:

  • carts
  • categories
  • checkouts
  • customer_groups
  • customers
  • orders
  • products
  • product_variants
  • webhooks

Direct API Access

For resources or parameters that aren't officially supported yet, bigc also includes a flexible API client that can be used to make direct requests to the BigCommerce API.

bigcommerce = BigCommerceAPI(store_hash, access_token)

product = bigcommerce.api.v3.get('/products/77', params={'include': 'videos'})
order_messages = bigcommerce.api.v2.get_many('/orders/101/messages')


Some extra utility functions that don't interact with the BigCommerce API are available in bigc.utils.

  • bigc.utils.parse_rfc2822_date: Convert an RFC-2822 date (used by some BigCommerce APIs) to a datetime


For convenience, some constants are made available in bigc.data.

  • bigc.data.BigCommerceOrderStatus: An Enum of order statuses and their IDs