Phoenix Finance
Value of the property (R) | Rate |
0 - R900,000 | 0% |
R900,001 - R1,250,000 | 3% of the value above R900,000 |
R1,250,001 – R1 750 000 | R10 500 + 6% of the value above R 1 250 000 |
R1,250,001 - R1,750,000 | R10,500 + 6% of the value above R1,250,000 |
R1,750,001 – R2,250,000 | R40,500 + 8% of the value above R1,750,000 |
R2,250,001 – R10,000,000 | R80,500 +11% of the value above R2,250,000 |
R10,000,001 and above | R933,000 + 13% of the value above R10,000,000 |
The biggest value of either; 0.8% of your bond or R15,000.00
5%-7% of the bond
R5000 (fixed)
To be completed.
To be completed.
Creates a new branch from using the current branch as base
git checkout -b
Changes from the specified branch to the
git checkout
Merges the current branch with the provided branch
git merge
Show available local branches
git branch
Similar to show but defaults the difference between HEAD and the staged changes so far
git diff
Show the recent changes to the branch(as well as affected snippets)
git show
Show staged, unstaged & untracked changes so far
git status
Add__ a file to be staged
git add
Add all files from root onwards recursively
git add .
Stage a deleted file
git rm --cached
Stage deleted files
git rm --cached -r
Discard any changes on the current file and defaults to the last commit of that branch (HEAD)
git reset HEAD
Discard any changes on the current file and defaults to the last commit of the specified branch
git reset
Commit a single file's changes with a message
git commit -m ""
Commit all staged files to a single commit with a message
git commit -am ""
Temporarily store the current branch's staged changes
git stash
Pull to overwrite current branch with origin/master(remote)'s latest commits
git pull --rebase
Merge local changes to whilst preparing to handle confilcts
git pull
Push the changes of the current branch to the applicable remote branch
git push
"Skips the patch"(Untested)
git rebase --skip
Conflicts have been resolved, added& commited to the merge branch.
git rebase --continue
Cancels the attempted rebase & checkouts to the original branch
git rebase --abort
Agile Manifesto
- Read it
- Find out who defined it
- Why it was created
Agile Breakdown
Ceremonies Stand Up - 15min Ask 3 questions > What did I do? > What am I do today? > What is blocking me from progressing?
Sprint 5 days Has a sprint backlog Contains Tickets Can only hold one ticket at a time Concludes in a retro
Plan Has a product backlog Never work on anything that your product owner doens't approve or isn't in your product backlog.
Environments Development on a local machine->Quality Assurance->Production
- Read Up On estimation points How we predict time for how stories are completed
Team Coding standards Pair Programming
Command Flag | Description |
-d |
Data |
-H |
Header |
-X |
Request |
-F |
Form |
-u <user:password> |
Login Details |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d {"name":"Command","surname":"Line Utility","dob":"1990-04-28"} http://localhost:8080/jee_homework_hw6_b_version3_cdi/customer/add
curl -X POST -F 'name=Command' -F 'surname=Utility' -F 'dob=1990-04-28' http://localhost:8080/jee_homework_hw6_b_version3_cdi/customer/add
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"name":"Command","surname":"Line Utility","dob":"1990-04-28"}' http://localhost:8080/jee_homework_hw6_b_version3_cdi/customer/add
Note Content-Type used by JBOSS i.e. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
curl -d "name=Hai&surname=Man&dob=2017-06-29" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" http://localhost:8080/jee_homework_hw6_b_version3_cdi/customer/add# phoenix_finance