Workers Zig is a light weight Zig bindings for the Cloudflare Workers environment via WebAssembly.
Why Zig?
- Zig is a language that is designed to be a small, fast, and portable.
- The language already supports WASM and WASI.
- Small builds are easy to achieve. To expound on this, the basic example provided is
of WASM code and6.8Kb
javascript code. - I wanted a tool that made it easy for both WASM and JS code to work in tandem.
- I didn't like that rust wasm bindings would grow the more code you wrote. I came up with a strategy that covers 90% use cases, JS glue doesn't grow, and you can add the 10% as needed.
- I prefer Zig's memory model over Rust.
Be sure to read the Documentation for guidance on usage.
- 🔗 Zero dependencies
- 🗿 WASI support
- 🤝 Use in tandem with Javascript or 100% Zig WebAssembly
- 🎮 JS bindings with support to write your own - List of supported bindings here
- 📨 Fetch bindings
- ⏰ Scheduled bindings
- 🔑 Supports Variables and Secrets from
- ✨ Cache bindings
- 📦 KV bindings
- 🪣 R2 bindings
- 💾 D1 bindings
- 🔐 Web-Crypto bindings [partially complete]
- 💪 Uses TypeScript
- 📌 Durable Objects bindings
- ✉️ WebSockets bindings
- once CF lands dynamic imports: Only load wasm when needed.
Follow the instructions to install Zig
Release used: 0.10.0-dev.3838+77f31ebbb
Follow the steps provided by the skeleton project
# in one go
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
# OR
# clone
git clone
# enter
cd worker-zig-template
# Pull in the submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
npm install --save workers-zig
# Yarn
yarn add workers-zig
pnpm add workers-zig
bun add workers-zig
git submodule add
const std = @import("std");
const Builder =;
pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
b.is_release = true;
b.cache_root = "cache";
b.global_cache_root = "cache";
b.use_stage1 = true;
const wasm_build = b.addSharedLibrary("zig", "lib/main.zig", .unversioned);
wasm_build.setTarget(std.zig.CrossTarget {
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .freestanding,
wasm_build.build_mode = std.builtin.Mode.ReleaseSmall;
wasm_build.strip = true;
wasm_build.linkage =;
wasm_build.addPackagePath("workers-zig", "workers-zig/lib/main.zig");
name = "zig-worker-template"
main = "dist/worker.mjs"
compatibility_date = "2022-07-29"
usage_model = "bundled" # or unbound
account_id = ""
command = "zig build && npm run esbuild"
watch_dir = [
type = "CompiledWasm"
globs = ["**/*.wasm"]
type = "ESModule"
globs = ["**/*.mjs"]