Emergency Alert System

Project Overview

Kukunya (Cocooneer - To protect/shield) is a mobile application (aided by the government) designed to enhance personal safety (for their citizens) by quickly notifying nearby emergency services(within 0-5km), such as police stations and hospitals, in case of an emergency. The system integrates a mobile app, a backend server, and real-time location tracking to ensure prompt assistance.

Download App

Download app at https://expo.dev/artifacts/eas/h4GW4bKV9N8M6DwXtMeWxD.apk

To test Police/Hospital set up...

Visit https://kukunya.vercel.app

Login with ID: rafce12

Password: lasuepehospital1

How It Works

  1. User Authentication:

    • Users log in using their email and password.
    • Upon successful login, users can access the app's features.
  2. Real-Time Location Tracking:

    • The app tracks the user's location using GPS.
    • This information is critical for providing accurate emergency alerts.
  3. Emergency Alerts:

    • Users can send alerts to nearby police stations or hospitals by pressing a button.
    • Alerts include the user's location and the type of emergency (police or medical).
  4. WebSocket Communication:

    • The app maintains a real-time connection with the server using WebSocket (socket.io).
    • This ensures instant communication between the user and emergency services.
  5. Feedback and Confirmation:

    • Users receive confirmation messages when alerts are successfully sent.
    • The app displays user location data and provides animated disclaimer text.

Project Structure

  1. Frontend

    • React Native for mobile app
    • React Js for Web Frontend
  2. Backend (Node.js with Express)

  3. Database (MongoDB)

Frontend (Mobile App)


  1. User authentication (login)
  2. Real-time location tracking
  3. Sending emergency alerts
  4. Displaying user location
  5. Animated disclaimer text

Setup and Running

  1. Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/kukunya
cd ./myapp
  1. Install Dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the App:
npm start

Backend (Server)


  1. User authentication (login)
  2. WebSocket server for real-time communication
  3. RESTful APIs for user and issue management
  4. Middleware for token validation

Setup and Running

  1. Clone the Repository:
cd ./backend
  1. Install Dependencies:
npm install
  1. Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file in the backend directory.
    • Add the following environment variables:
APP_SK=your_secret_key // hello
MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_uri // mongodb+srv://mayowayusuf3004:5s9JnuyAjrJECvbj@cluster0.rgsv8es.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority&appName=Cluster0

Start the Server:

npm start

Mobile App (Frontend)


  1. User login and authentication
  2. Display of user's current location
  3. Buttons to trigger emergency alerts
  4. Real-time communication with the backend server
  5. Display of confirmation messages and user information
Setup and Running
  1. Install Dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the App:
npm run dev

How to Use the App

  • Login:

    • Open the app and enter your email and password to log in.
    • If login is successful, you will be navigated to the home screen.
  • Sending Alerts:

    • On the home screen, you can see your current location.
    • Press the "Alarm Police" button to send an alert to the nearest police station.
    • Press the "Alarm Nearest Hospital" button to send an alert to the nearest hospital.
  • Confirmation:

    • After sending an alert, you will receive a confirmation message. `- The app displays a disclaimer text warning against false alarms.

Contact Information

For any questions or further information, please contact:

Name: Yusuf Saubana Mayowa

Email: mayowayusuf3004@gmail.com