
Icons from https://www.elastic.co/brand for use with PlantUML

Primary LanguageShell

PlantUML Elastic Sprites

Sprites from Elastic for use with PlantUML:

  1. here to share with kind permission from the nice guys at Elastic community team. Thanks to Max, David, Philipp for prompt feedback!
  2. original logos in svg format from Elastic here. See the Interesting Elastic story behind these icons.

Using PlantUML Elastic Sprites

Basic Use

PlantUML source extract that creates this diagram. See full source ./S3_ELK.puml

AMAZONS3(s3_bucket,"Logs uploaded to here")

KIBANA(Kibana, "Visualize") 
LOGSTASH(Logstash, "Parse and Transform")
ELASTIC_SEARCH(ElasticSearch, "Search and Analyze")

s3_bucket -down-> Logstash: Raw logs
Logstash -right-> ElasticSearch: Transformed Data
ElasticSearch -right-> Kibana: Data to View

Add More Features

PlantUML source extract that creates this diagram. See full source ./S3_ELK_Cloud.puml


    AMAZONS3(s3_bucket,"Logs uploaded to here")

package Elastic {

    'add "node", "component", "agent" etc... to change background shape per https://plantuml.com/deployment-diagram
    'default is agent 
    ELASTIC_SEARCH(ElasticSearch, "Search and Analyze",database)
    LOGSTASH(Logstash, "Parse and Transform",node)
    KIBANA(Kibana, "Visualize",agent) 

    s3_bucket -down-> Logstash: Raw logs
    Logstash -right-> ElasticSearch: Transformed Data
    ElasticSearch -right-> Kibana: Data to View


Full Sprite Set

PlantUML source extract that creates this diagram. See full source ./All.puml

skinparam componentBackgroundColor White 


Converting the icon set to PlantUML Sprites

# Need: Git, Python3, ImageMagick Convert

# Get the scripts that do the hard work
git clone git@github.com:Crashedmind/PlantUML-Elastic-icons.git

# Setup a temporary directory to work in
mkdir tmp
cd tmp/

# Download and unzip the svg icons from elastic.co

# Convert the svg icons in color folder to 100x100 png in png folder
cd color
ls ./png/

# Convert the png icons to Plantuml sprites

## Get png to PlantUML conversion script
git clone git@github.com:milo-minderbinder/AWS-PlantUML.git
cd AWS-PlantUML

## Create PlantUML sprites from Elastic png icons
python3 puml.py -c ./puml.ini ../color/png/  #sprites output to ./dist/elastic/

# Move folder with created PlantUML Elastic sprites to top level
mv  ./dist/elastic ../../plantuml-elastic

Sprite Background Shape

Plantuml allows setting each sprite background shape

  • default. Default set to "agent" for the Elastic icons which is a square.
  • when we use it by adding a third parameter e.g. "node" per KIBANA(Kibana, "Visualize",node)

This is done using the Plantuml Deployment Diagram definitions where the list of options is defined.

Sprite Colors

Sprites are monochrome per https://plantuml.com/sprite.

Elastic icons are multi-color.

It's useful to identify Elastic sprites by color (versus e.g. AWS sprites) e.g.

  • Elastic Green Background with Black Foreground
  • Elastic Green Foreground with White Background

I opted for the latter as it looked better.

Background Color

If desired, the background color can be changed e.g. so it's easier to see Elastic products versus AWS products in a diagram.

This can be done in the plantuml source file via

skinparam componentBackgroundColor #00BFB3

where "#00BFB3" is the green color used in the elastic svgs e.g.


        <path d="M47.7246,44.293 L47.7276,44.299 C42.7746,50.227 35.3286,54.001 26.9996,54.001 C16.4006,54.001 7.2326,47.889 2.8136,39.001 L38.0056,39.001 C40.5306,39.001 42.9886,39.871 44.9206,41.497 C45.9246,42.342 46.8636,43.262 47.7246,44.293" id="Fill-6" fill="#00BFB3"></path>

Foreground Color

Search and replace "black" with "00BFB3" in all puml files.