
BSc Project repository

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BSc Project Repository

Title: Bound Information: Search of a Classical Analog to Bound Entanglement
Author: Luca Dolfi
Advisor: Prof. Stefan Wolf
Tutor: Arne Hansen

A thesis presented for the degree of BSc in Informatics
USI - Università della Svizzera Italiana, spring 2018


There is a correspondence between entanglement distillation in quantum mechanics and classical key agreement in information theory. In the quantum- mechanical framework there are, furthermore, non-distillable, but entangled quantum states — that is, states sharing bound entanglement. So, consider- ing the above analogy, does there exists some notion of bound information? As of today this remains an open question. In this project we follow the intuition from bound entanglement, the related measures and their connections to concepts of classical key agreement, as well as related information-theoretical concepts, in order to further investigate this open question. We also look at a candidate probability distribution for bound information and perform numerical simulations in search for new, possibly better, candidates for bound information.

© 2018 Luca Dolfi. All rights reserved.