
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by the excellent video:

This is a quick demo of the basic Verlet equations for object-motion, implemented in Rust + Bevy. Now also integrates Egui, an immediate-mode GUI with bindings for Bevy, to add some widgets.

Note - I did another version of this in Python/Kivy, but not surprisingly, it was only able to handle 100-150 balls without dropping framerate. The Rust/Bevy version handled 500+ balls at 60 FPS, that I've tested.


  • Bevy 0.12/Rust 1.72.1
  • egui 0.24/bevy-egui 0.24
  • Verlet Engine
    • multi-ball collisions working
    • one circular constraint enabled
    • gravity working its magic
  • ball-release on timer (fairly slowly, or incoming balls smash previous ball)
  • collision-damping funky, some popcorn-effects at times
  • at 500 balls, holding at 60 FPS - I added some pre-collision filtering, anyway
    • the FPS can handle more than 500 balls, but there's some other weirdness with that many, alas
  • has a simple control-panel using Egui widgets
    • sliders, to set ball-count/ball-radius/ball-release delay
    • buttons, to pause/reset
  • has basic Game State logic, cycled by GUI buttons
  • upscaled GUI widgets, larger/more readable
  • added WASM support, so it runs in the browser
    • app too large, have to hit < CTRL>- a few times to see it
  • WASM requires modifying one line - still working on a general static-asset strategy


Now that ball-radius is adjustable, I'll comment that there's no sanity-checking on size of balls versus pit - it's possible to fill up the pit. Per the license, management is not responsible for any burned-up CPUs.


  • make app resize for browser-window
  • change collision-logic to handle balls of different radius
  • change balls to have different radii (sort done, the slider can be changed mid-release!)
  • figure out how to spawn balls on timer, without instant collisions
  • experiment with dampening, to get less "dynamic" collisions
  • add static balls for pinball-effect
  • add links for some chaining
  • move more parameters to control-panel

To Run

You don't have to use release, but a debug compile, takes a few seconds longer to load the background bitmap.

cargo run --release
