PyCC is a simple, Python-based, reference implementation of the coupled cluster method of ab initio quantum chemistry.
- amjames@quansight
- andyj10224University of Georgia
- ashutoshvtLos Alamos National Lab
- auroraustc
- Awallace3Georgia Institute of Technology
- berquistSandia National Laboratories
- bgpeytonHaslett, MI
- ChemRacer
- chrinide
- cuanto
- daniel-devore
- davpoolechemGeorgia Institute of Technology
- EipgenEast China Normal University @ecnu
- foeroyingurTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
- haneug@grimme-lab
- hokruPending.AI
- jamesETsmith@qognitive
- jeanwsrFudan University
- jeffhammond@nvidia
- JoseMadriaga
- kshitij-05Virginia Tech
- lcyyork
- lothianVirginia Tech
- lqdelocalized
- maxscheurerFrankfurt am Main
- nicolassawaya
- PhillCli
- prateekvaishBrown University
- RMeli@eth-cscs
- robertodr@Algorithmiq
- rohithsrinivaasBerkeley Lab
- SabariKumarColorado State University
- SchoyenUniversity of Oslo
- suan12
- VHchavezCadence Design Systems
- XinChenQCVisa pending, cannot work