
Helper base image for importing Ansible content into Gitea on CSM systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


cf-gitea-import is a base image that can be used by product teams to import their configuration content (Ansible plays and roles for use with CFS) into a Gitea repository running on a Cray Shasta EX-1 system installed with CSM.

Users should provide a Dockerfile that installs their content (via RPMs or however their content is packaged) and then use this base image to take advantage of the import script to put it in Gitea. The resulting image can be used in a Helm Chart/Kubernetes job to install and/or upgrade the content for the system.

See the CSM Compatibility Matrix for more information about what version of the cf-gitea-import image to use in your product.

Base Image

The cf-gitea-import base Docker image is built with Alpine Linux and includes the dependencies required for the import script, namely python3, py3-requests, and git. A few Python packages not in the Alpine distro are installed via the included requirements.txt file in this repo.

How This Works

For content that is managed by Git and stored in Gitea on EX-1 systems, initial installation and upgrades of the content need to be handled carefully. Shasta product content (like COS, CSM, Analytics, etc) needs to be refreshed from time to time in such a way that new content can come in and not conflict with changes made by the site admin.

Therefore, Shasta content will be pushed to "pristine" branches and protected against further modification. This will allow HPE to update its products and will allow the customer to modify the content in the git repository by using their own site-defined git workflow, whether merging, rebasing or otherwise. The diagram below describes the branch structure in each product's git repository.

Product Content Git Workflow

cf-gitea-import comes into play by being the mechanism that takes the product content from Shasta build sources and imports it in the git repository. Product content must be versioned with a SemVer version. The cf-gitea-import utility assumes this fundamentally.

Furthermore, when a new version of a product is being imported, the utility has the ability to find the previous semantic version and base the new content on that pristine branch (see the CF_IMPORT_BASE_BRANCH = semver_previous_if_exists environment variable). This is the default and will rarely be changed under normal circumstances. If no base branch exists, the default branch of the repository is used.

For this to work, cf-gitea-import also computes the format of the pristine target branches to be:

<gitea organization> / <product name> / <product (semantic) version>

Example DockerFile

The example Dockerfile linked below shows how RPM content can be installed into an image layer and then used with the cf-gitea-import image. This specific example is for CLE content built on SLES SP1, version 1.3.0 from master repositories.

See an example for the CSM configuration content itself here.

Example Usage (Kubernetes Job)

Using the content image based on the cf-gitea-import image above, a Kubernetes job to use it is provided below. This job would likely be incorporated into a Helm Chart. This Job assumes the image will be used on an EX-1 system with a working Gitea installation in the services namespace via CSM.

See the example for the CSM configuration content itself here.

cray-import-config Helm Base Chart

Note that a Helm base chart has also been created to run Jobs like the example above and adds functionality such as the ability to run initContainers and other containers alongside the main cf-gitea-import container. See the cray-import-config chart for more information on the base chart and the csm-config chart for an example of how the base chart is used.

Environment Variables

All configuration options to the cf-gitea-import utility are provided as environment variables. Some of these vary based on the product and its version and can be specified in the product's Docker image (see example Dockerfile above), and some of them will need to be specified on the system where the image is running since they are environment specific (in the helm chart values.yaml file).

Product Environment Variables

  • CF_IMPORT_PRODUCT_NAME = (no default)

The name of the product that is being imported

  • CF_IMPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION = (no default)

The SemVer version of the product that is being imported, e.g. 1.2.3. This can be overridden with a file located at /product_version, which takes priority.

  • CF_IMPORT_CONTENT= /content

The filesystem location of the content that will be imported. When using cf-gitea-import as a base docker image, ensure that you put the importable content in this directory.

Branching Environment Variables

  • CF_IMPORT_BASE_BRANCH = semver_previous_if_exists

Branch in the git repository that will serve as the base branch to the branch that will be created. Takes a branch name or the special value semver_previous_if_exists which will search the repository for a branch of the same format as the computed target branch for a version that is immediately previous in SemVer semantics. If nothing is provided, the repository default branch will be assumed.


Protect the target branch from modification in Gitea after it has been pushed to the repository using the Gitea REST API. For security reasons, this should probably always be true.


If the computed target branch already exists in the repository, cf-gitea-import will exit without error unless this is set to true. If true and the branch exists, cf-gitea-import will reset the branch (git checkout -B ...) and force push the imported content to the branch, resulting in a new commit.

Gitea Environment Variables

  • CF_IMPORT_GITEA_URL = (no default)

Base URL to Gitea such that the Gitea REST API exists at CF_IMPORT_GITEA_URL + '/api/v1'. This should be overridden when the image is used on a system or in development since it will be different for every environment.


Gitea Organization where the CF_IMPORT_GITEA_REPO is/will be located


Gitea repository where the content will be imported.


The privacy of the Gitea repository, set to private by default so credentials are necessary to clone, commit, and push. This should be set to true for almost all repositories, especially those provided by Cray products.

  • CF_IMPORT_GITEA_USER = crayvcs

Gitea REST API user with sufficient permissions

  • CF_IMPORT_GITEA_PASSWORD = (no default)

Password for the CF_IMPORT_GITEA_USER. This should be overridden when the image is used on the system or in development since it will be different for every environment and NOT in a Docker image build.

Overwriting Configuration Content

Files placed in /shared in this container are copied recursively into $CF_IMPORT_CONTENT before the git import process starts. This allows for Helm charts to run initContainers that can add or modify the content before it is imported if that use case is necessary.

Reporting Results

As of version 1.0.4, the import script will write a YAML file with the record of what was imported to /results/records.yaml. The contents are as follows:

  clone_url: https://vcs.system.dev.cray.com/vcs/cray/uan-config-management.git
  commit: 59dd762e08b3cf310183befe4007b30e42dc1cf0
  import_branch: cray/<product>/<product-version>
  ssh_url: git@vcs.system.dev.cray.com:cray/<product>-config-management.git

This information is typically used to populate the cray-product-catalog.


Code owners: make a branch. Others, make a fork.

This repository follows the CSM Gitflow Development Process.

Code format is black default settings, install to local env for use.


See the CHANGELOG for changes. This file uses the Keep A Changelog format.

Built on

  • Alpine Linux
  • Python 3
  • Python Requests
  • GitPython
  • SemVer
  • Docker
  • Good intentions


This project is copyrighted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP and is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.