
Clone of Robin Wierch's react-redux-hackernews with slight organizational changes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux = Reducer + Flux

Tutorial Original Source

Redux implements a Unidirectional data flow:

View -> Action -> Reducer(s) -> Store -> View

App Functionality

Searching for stories The connected component dispatches an action that activates the saga. The side-effect of the saga is the fetching process of the stories by search term from the Hacker News API. Once the request succeeds, another action gets dispatched and captured in the storyReducer to finally store the stories. When using Redux Saga, it is essential to wrap your head around the subject that actions can be used to activate sagas but don't need to be evaluated in a reducer. It often happens that another action which is dispatched within the saga is evaluated by the reducers.

New Action Workflow

  1. Define Action type in constants/
  2. Add Action type in actions/
  3. Add Action to according saga
  4. Add Action to the according reducer
  5. Select the Action in according selector
  6. Connect the Action to a Component

Component Seperation

Connected Components -Are connected to the redux store.

Presentational Components - Are not connected to the redux store.