
An `eval` implementation for Urn

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


An "eval" implementation for Urn. Does not actually interpret code but rather compiles it with an extremely simple public interface.


In order to use this library, you need to --include the urn repository when compiling, for example: urn main.lisp --include ~/Projects/urn.

After that, just import urn-eval.lisp like normal.

(eval code lib-path)

Compiles code and returns the compiled result as a function that can be ran. Caches automatically. code: The code that needs to be compiled. lib-path: The urn standard library path. For example: /home/casper/Projects/urn/lib. Returns The compiled function.


Clears the cache.

(eval-raw code lib-path)

Same as eval, but without caching.