
BTC, EOS...price reminder, using IFTTT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Preparatory Work

Install Requirements

pip3 install requests

Create Database

This program uses a MySql database. You can run the db_update.sql to create the table that the program needs.

  1. Create your applet after signing up for [IFTTT].
  2. Click the big blue「+This」button.
  3. Search for the「Webhooks」service, then select「Receive a web request」.
  4. Rename the「event」for you want to name, for example, ico_price_emergency
  5. Then click the big blue「+That」button.
  6. Search the「notifications」service and select「send a notification from the IFTTT app」.
  7. Change the「Title」to {{Value1}},「Message」to {{Value2}}, the「Link URL」to {{Value3}}.
  8. Click the「Finish」button to complete.
  9. Open the IFTTT webhooks and click the「Documentation」button in the upper right corner.
  10. The Documentation page has your Webhooks URL, including Event Name and key, which is used in the python code.

How to Use

Modify configuration information

Edit PriceReminder.py, Change the top variable to your own information: KEY, MySql Database info and REMINDER_POINT.

# IFTTT Info
KEY = "your_ifttt key"
IFTTT_WEBHOOKS_URL = 'https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{}/with/key/%s' % KEY
EVENT_NAME = "your_event_name"
# Database information
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_USER = "your_db_user_name"
DB_PWD = "your_db_password"
DB_CHARSET = "utf8mb4"
# Other Setting
ICO_API_URL = 'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/'

Set timing tasks

Set the timer task in CentOS using crontab.

crontab -e # Edit timing task
# Save and exit by adding a line of the following code to the timed task
*/2 * * * * python3.6 PriceReminder.py
crontab -l # View the current list of timed tasks
service crond start && service crond status # Start the timer task and check the status

crontab configuration format

*   *  *  *  *  command
# minute(0-59) hour(0-23) day(1-31) month(1-12) week(0-6, 0 is Sunday) command
# Column 1 represents minutes 1 to 59, '*' or '*/1' is every minute.
# Column 2 represents hours 1 to 23(0 is zero)
# Column 3 represents dates 1 to 31
# Column 4 represents months 1 through 12
# Column 5 marks week 0 ~ 6(0 is Sunday)

After completing the above steps, you can wait for it to run the script every two minutes!