
Advance Update in a Elasticsearch plugin that provides you control over the document update functionality of elasticsearch.

Primary LanguageJava

Advance Update

Control your Elasticsearch document updates with extra speed.


  • So, Elasticsearch provides update API's like _update and _bulk which helps us in updating elasticsearch document. But elasticsearch updates the document by merging the given [NEW] document with the [OLD] document, which leads to a case where

    • The older documents fields which are not present in the new given document will be retained, so if you want delete a field you have to explicitly send a update query with a script. And everyone knows that elasticsearch scripts are slower (eg: to delete a field from 13 million documents it will take 50 min in 5 node cluster)

    eg : Old Document

             "a": 23,
             "b": 40
    _New Document_ : /_update api
             "a": 19,
             "c": 45
    Now If I send this to elasticsearch the result output document will be :
             "a": 19,
             "b": 40,
             "c": 45
    So the field "b"is retained, but my use case is to remove the "b", as I am not sending it in the request.
    • The Advance Plugin can do this for you.

    eg : Old Document

             "a": 23,
             "b": 40
    _New Document_ : /_advanceupdate api
             "a": 19,
             "c": 45
    Now If I send this to elasticsearch the result output document will be :
             "a": 19,
             "c": 45
    • Elasticsearch Updates first update documents in the primary shard and then it updates the replica shards, now that increased the total time required for update of document.
    • You can reduce the total time by setting the replica to -1, but if you have a lot of documents which takes 1 hour to get updated and in meanwhile your nodes goes down you dont have a protection of the replicas to recover i.e, you loose your data.
    • Advance-Update gives you the functionality where your old data is safe and speed for updating documents is much higher than the normal updates.

API Support

  • POST _advanceupdate

    usage :

         "a": 19,
         "c": 45
  • POST/PUT _advancebulk

      { "update" : {"_id" : "2", "_type" : "type1", "_index" : "test"} }
      { "doc" : {"b": 12,"f": 14,"m":15}, "doc_as_upsert" : true}
      { "update" : {"_id" : "2", "_type" : "type1", "_index" : "test"} }
      { "doc" : {"s": 15,"l": 14,"k":12}, "doc_as_upsert" : true}


  • Elasticsearch 5.6.0
  • Change the thread_pool.bulk.queue_size to high enough so that your documents don't get skipped or else you can keep it to -1 in your elasticsearch.yml file.


Download and install elasticsearch 5.6.0 from

Download the latest Advance Update plugin from

Install the plugin :

    <ES directory>/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///Downloads/advance-update.zip

Test the installation by visiting https://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins


Works with only elasticsearch 5.6.0

What next ?

  • Configure copying elasticsearch documents from primary shard to replicas
  • Updating a key in all the documents.
