
A theme for C++ built from the ground up for readability and productivity.

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Iconalas Red

A theme for C++ built from the ground up for readability and productivity.

Only works compatible CLion as of now.

Reccomended Usage

  • Install the Fira Code font
  • Install the Material Theme plugin. Set it to "Material Theme - Darker".
  • Download Iconalas Red and select it in Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Import Scheme



Material Theme - Darker - The theme Iconalas Red is based on:

Darcula - CLion's builtin dark theme

Ladies Night 2 - The top-rated theme on color-themes.com

Solarized Dark - A very popular theme

Obsidian - Another top-rated theme

Visual Studio 2015, the highest rated VS Theme

If you think the black text is a bug, look at this.

Warning: The creator's color vision is better than average, so you may find the darker colors hard to read.