
You have four OpenAI accounts and need to define which models go to which organization. vendors.yaml solves this

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A file format for configuring access to language models


Some language model applications need to easily switch between different models. Different accounts have access to different models, and managing keys and organization IDs across vendors can be difficult. vendors.yml is a standardized way to tell language model apps how to access differnt models.



Imagine you have access to the GPT-3.5 base through the openai-cd2-proxy, you have access to ChatGPT-4 through an organization org-myOrgID, and you have a free trial account for everything else. Your free trial account is called "foo foundation," and has several fine-tuned models on it. The following vendors.yml cause compliant language model libraries to correctly route requests:

        openai_api_key: mySecretProxyKey
        api_base: https://my.proxy.url/v1
    provides: ["code-davinci-002"]
        openai_api_key: mySecretKey
        organization: org-myOrgId
    provides: ["gpt-4.*"]
        openai_api_key: mySecretKey
        organization: org-myOtherOrgId
    provides: [".*:ft-foo-foundation.*"]

Specification (real)

Each vendor has a provides key, which is an array of regular expressions. The file is executed from top to bottom. The first vendor that matches is used. To use a vendor, send its config key to the model API. The request is executed based on the prefix the vendor name has. For example, if openai-foo provides a model, the openai request executor is used.

Standardized key names

  • api_key - apiKey will not work

Standard vendor names

  • openai
  • ai21
  • forefront
  • anthropic
  • textsynth
  • goose


Toy Python implementation

def create_continuation(model, vendor=None, vendor_config=None, **kwargs):
    if vendor is None:
        vendor = pick_vendor(model, vendor_config)
    if vendor_config is not None and vendor in vendor_config:
        kwargs = {**vendor_config[vendor]['config'], **kwargs}
    if model.startswith("openai"):
        return openai.Completion.create(model=model, **kwargs)
        raise NotImplementedError()

def pick_vendor(model, custom_config=None):
    if custom_config is not None:
        for vendor_name, vendor in custom_config.items():
            if vendor['provides'] is not None:
                for pattern in vendor['provides']:
                    if re.match(pattern, model):
                        return vendor_name
    return "openai"