Bencode can decode a byte array into C# object, dictionary, list, int and string types. It also can encode above types to a byte array.
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You can start using Bencode right away by installing the NuGet package:
Import Bencode namespace first:
using Bencode;
Bencode functions are in the BencodeUtility class.
In order to encode objects to a byte array:
Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, Object>
{"nick", "Create Chen"},
{"interests", new List<object> {"coding", "basketball"}}
byte[] bytes = BencodeUtility.Encode(dic).ToArray();
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
Decode a byte array to a adequate type can use following methods:
- BencodeUtility.Decode(byte[] source)
- BencodeUtility.DecodeInt(byte[] source)
- BencodeUtility.DecodeString(byte[] source)
- BencodeUtility.DecodeList(byte[] source)
- BencodeUtility.DecodeDicionary(byte[] source)