
This is one of the freeCodeCamp Front End Development Libraries Projects. In this project we build a react app that generates a random quote when a button is clicked with the option to post it to twitter.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Random Quote Generator

Click here for DEMO

This is one of the freeCodeCamp Front End Development Libraries Projects.

In this project we build a react app that generates a random quote when a button is clicked with the option to post it to twitter.

I prefer to code in VS Code over CodePen

Steps I took:

Getting VS ready:

  1. Open the folder where you project folder will be saved
  2. Use terminal to install Vite npm create vite@latest - I selected React and JS

Minor tweaks to Vite files:

  1. Remove the flavicon icon in head element of the index.html file - personal preference
  2. Clear out App.css - here you can add your own styles
  3. Clear out most of Index.css - I keep some of the root styles (font-family, line-height and font-weight)
  4. Delete the content in the return method of App.jsx

Start working on your project:

  1. I create the entire App in App.jsx first
  2. Then I split each section into its own component and fix up the code by adding props
    • Create a jsx file for each component in the src folder
    • Move that section of code from App.jsx to the component jsx file
    • I keep my data (assigned to state) in the assets folder inside the src folder in a jsx file

Deploy the project on GitHub Pages:

  1. I usually follow the instructions in the blog listed in the Resources below
    • There is step where you need to add a new .github folder INSIDE your main project folder (I didnt understand the instruction the first time so felt it would be a good idea to just make you aware of where this folder goes)
