
Boilerplate for Electron + React + Redux + Sequelize + SQLite

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A boilerplate for Electron + React + Redux with SQLite database

Tech stack:

  • Electron
  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack
  • ForrestJS hooks
  • Sequelize
  • SQLite


  • React-styleguidist for developing React components in isolation.
  • React & Redux devtools.
  • Electron Builder for deployment.

How to run project in development:

  • Run npm install
  • Open a second terminal, run npm run watch to boot Webpack compiler.
  • Run npm run start to boot Electron app in development.

How to run react-styleguide:

  • Open a second terminal, run npm run watch-style to boot Webpack compiler.
  • Run npm run styleguide to boot react-styleguide.

How to pack & deploy the app:

  • Run npm run build to prepare the app for production.
  • Then run the command corresponding to your OS:
  • Windows: npm run make:win
  • Linux: npm run make:linux
  • macOS: npm run make:macos


npm run start

Runs the app in the development mode. Make sure to run the app along with a second terminal running npm run watch command (Webpack)

npm run watch

Webpack command for dev environment, targets electron-renderer

npm run styleguide

Runs the React styleguide server. Make sure to run the styleguide along with a second terminal running npm run watch-style command (Webpack) Note: Currently styleguide does not support hot-reloading in this non-CRA setup. It needs a better config on Webpack. For now, it still works without hot-reload.

npm run watch-style

Webpack command for react-styleguide environment, targets web

npm run make:win

Packs the app for Windows environment. You will find the package installer file inside dist folder: yourAppName Setup 1.0.0.exe

npm run make:linux

Packs the app for Linux environment.

npm run make:macos

Packs the app for macOS environment.

Project structure

├── assets # contains app icon files
├── server # contains back-end related code: IPC handler, Sequelize, SQLite
│   ├── features             # contains back-end business logic per functionality (routes)
│   ├── lib                  # contains utility functions used in back-end
│   ├── services             # contains back-end operation logic (handling IPC, SQLite, etc.)
│   ├── boot.js              # main file for back-end orchestration using ForrestJS hooks
├── src/js                   # contains front-end related code: React & Redux
│   ├── components           # contains common React components used overall the front-end
│   ├── features             # contains feature based Redux only logic
│   ├── lib                  # contains utility functions used in front-end
│   ├── pages                # contains container and components for each page
│   ├── resources            # contains resource files (images, json files, etc.)
│   ├── App.js               # React App.js
│   ├── app.reducer.js       # main reducer file that puts all reducers together (no need to modify)
│   ├── app.state.js         # main redux state file - import your features here to initialize them.
│   ├── index.js             # top level orchestration file for React & Redux
│   ├── styleguide.config.js # import your styleguide components here to work on isolation
├── index.html               # Electron renderer thread entry point
├── main.js                  # main file for Electron main thread orchestration
├── preload.js               # preload script exposes the parts needed for renderer from main thread
├── webpack.common.js        # webpack config for development environment
├── webpack.prod.js          # webpack config for production environment
└── webpack.styleguide.js    # webpack config for running react-styleguide