Interactive visualization tool to analyze intergalactic gas and dark matter filaments (together known as 'Cosmic web'). Polyphorm uses the Monte Carlo Physarum Machine (MCPM) algorithm inspired by the foraging behavior of Physarum polycephalum 'slime mold'.
- abattenSwinburne University of Technology
- Abhijay007In the moment
- ajaspeKAUST
- arneja-arnavThapar Institute of Engineering and technology
- BerndDoserHeidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
- cameron-jordan04University of California at Berkeley
- charlierobertsComputer Science Department, WPI
- dhesenkampGermany
- djbailey
- epitronToronto
- francescajohnsonArizona
- grigMMoscow
- IsseiMori
- jnburchettNew Mexico State University
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- KakuyaShiraishiJapan
- keiwanjamalyGoethe University Frankfurt
- kizaski
- lionspaws
- LouieHextImperial College London
- marvosyntacticalHeidelberg University
- mike-kiser-sp
- mxsage
- Nanoooh
- OskarElekUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
- Professor-G
- rishistypingParis, FR
- RulerOfCakes☁️@moloco
- rystyleeQosmo, inc.
- TheoryofAdvancedConcepts
- tjgalvin
- trainsnThe Ohio State University
- tschnzDen Haag
- Vbkq3w3F6tEUTNsH
- VegaDeftwingNebraska
- yuzhang49UC Santa Cruz