
Template files for a simple bootstrap page in ExpressionEngine 3.x

Primary LanguagePHP


NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE EXPRESSIONENGINE INSTALL. These are my basic files to quickly complete an ExpressionEngine v3.x install. It contains everything to have a simple bootstrap page up and running very quickly.

Basic Steps

  1. Complete all of the ExpressionEngin 3.x installation steps as outlined in the EE Documentation.
  2. Login to the Control panel and complete the basic setup.
  3. Go to Settings -> Template Settings and Save Templates as Files -> YES
  4. Upload the default_site, Addon contents, and Assets folders as specified by the directory structure.

Third Party Libraries

All Libraries, plugins and other third part elememts are free and available under various public licenses.

  1. Bootstrap 3.3.7 - http://getbootstrap.com

EE Addons

  1. Minimee - Ver. 3.0.0 by John D. Wells - http://johndwells.github.com/Minimee
  2. Seo-Lite - Ver. 1.5.2 by Wedoaddons - http://wedoaddons.com


This desire for this setup is to place as much as possible within the CMS, so the Bootstrap .js and .css files as well as the custom .css file can be found within the resources template group in Expression Engine's Control panel. Updating of the Bootstrap version should be a simple process of downloading the latest version, and copying the most recent code into the appropriate files inside EE.