
Back-end for the CreativityCrop web app

Primary LanguagePython

CreativityCrop FastAPI Back End

This is the back end (API) for the CreativityCrop project. Created with FastAPI, served by uvicorn and proxied by nginx.


This python project requires the following pieces of software:

  • Python 3.9
  • Docker (only for deployment)
  • MySQL compatible database with a table from the provided schema.sql
  • Redis (optional - for cache)


Clone the project or download an archive.

git clone https://github.com/CreativityCrop/react-front-end.git

Create a virtual environment for the python project and activate it

python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

Then install all the required dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


# runs in development environment
python main.py [dev](This is optional argument to enable reloading of files)

# for production, you need to run docker and build a container
docker build -t creativitycrop-api ./

# then run the container
docker run -itd --name container-name --net host -p 8000:8000 creativitycrop-api

# executes automated tests


You need to create a config.py file in app/ directory. You should use the provided config.py.example file and just fill it.


The built container can be run on any machine with docker.

For the proper operation of the whole platform a database cleaning worker is required. It consists of a simple file that should be run in regular periods by a cron job. You can use the following example code

Execute this command to edit your cron file crontab -e, and append this line at the end

*/5 * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/python-fastapi-back-end && source venv/bin/activate && python app/worker.py && deactivate
