
Self host a donations platform. As seen on covid.questbook.app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Donate and Discuss

As seen on covid.questbook.app



Twitter Configuration

  • Create a new Twitter App
  • Select your newly created app here and tap on the Settings icon next to the app name
  • On the settings tab, scroll to Authentication Settings and under Callback Urls add http://localhost/oauth-any/twitter/callback and https://<YOUR DOMAIN NAME>/oauth-any/twitter/callback
  • Please note, above, only https is supported for all domains other than localhost. If you don't have https setup, see the HTTPS section below
  • Go to the keys and tokens tab
  • Tab Generate (or Regenerate) under Consumer Keys
  • Copy the the API Key and API Secret Key
  • Edit the .env file, and edit the following lines with the above copied strings

Google Configuration

  • Open google cloud console and create a new project
  • Open the project and select create Oauth Client Id for this new app
  • Application Type, select Web application
  • Authorized redirect URI, add http://localhost/oauth-any/google/callback and https://<YOUR DOMAIN NAME>/oauth-any/google/callback
  • Please note, above, only https is supported for all domains other than localhost. If you don't have https setup, please see the HTTPS section below
  • Once created copy the Client ID and Client Secret
  • Edit the .env file, change the following lines with the above copied strings
GOOGLE_SECRET=<Client Secret>

MongoDB Configuration (optional)

If you already have an instance of mongodb running, you can set the mongo connection db


Setting up HTTPS (optional if running on localhost)

  • Generate HTTPS keys using letsencrypt.org
  • Copy the generated fullchain.pem and privkey.pem to ./sslcerts/
  • Uncomment the last few lines related to https options on the bin/www file

Running the server

The server is configured to run on port 80 and 443

  • npm install
  • sudo npm start