
A Discord bot for interacting with RCON

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rust Rcon Discord Bot


  • Chat log sent to Discord.
  • In Game reports sent to Discord.
  • Ability to run Rcon commands in Discord.
  • Bots status lists current player count. 200/200(50 queued)
  • Basic permissions system.


Configs are loaded from a file called config.json located in the project root directory. The following configs are available.

  • token - The Discord bot token to use.
  • host - The Rust servers ip address.
  • port - The Rust servers port.
  • password - The password used to authenticate with RCON.
  • serverInfoInterval - The interval to scrap RCON for server information.
  • tryConnectionInterval - The internval to retry connection to the rust server
  • defaultActivity - The Activity message to appear when server population is below 20 players.
  • rconChannel - The channel ID to listen for RCON commands and send chat logs to.
  • modRole - The Discord role ID associated with Mods.
  • adminRle - The Discord role ID associated with Admins.
  • reportChannel - The channel ID to send in game reports to.