
The initial intellectual description and white paper regarding CredCrypto.

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CredCrypto WhitePaper (because you can't read black text on black paper;)

CredCrypto is more than just another crypto currency; it's philanthropy, security and street/net cred all rolled into one. With CredCrypto, and appropriate technologies, users of all stripes will be able to earn, trade and give a tangible currency in relation to charitable technological apps; like donating time to open source projects in return for "Cred". In forums, and anywhere online or off, in communites of all types CredCrypto can/will be earned, given and used. In place of up-voting people can actually earn real currency for their time, interests, talents, discussions, problem solving, crowd sourcing, administration, volunteer work, activism, community involvement, social networking and just about anything. Of course this depends on good people and a strong CredCrypto network.

Not only could the currency itself become stronger and more valuable because of people donating time and Cred but all of those lone open source projects that enable the modern world as we know it that never get the time and energy they deserve could be fuled by the CredCrypto infrastrucutre thereby helping to improve and secure the world's source and sanity. It's actually feasable to secure entire swaths of existing technology because of the tangible support coders and devs receive.

More to come... stay tuned.