
Discussions and samples for the json validation schema for CTDL. Primarily how the validation schema should be generated/configured, and topics on migrating to the credential registry.

Primary LanguageRuby


Travis CI Status

Discussions and samples for the json validation schema for CTDL. Primarily how the validation schema should be generated/configured, and topics on migrating to the credential registry.


In order to test a new release, complete the follow steps:

  1. Create a new version of the schemas
  2. Create a new folder (eg. Schema-2017-06-30) and place the new schemas inside
  3. Update the symbolic link called latest to point to the latest release (eg. Schema-2017-06-30)
  4. Update the test cases (if necessary). They are located in the folder /test_data with subsequent subfolders named after their respective schemas (i.e. for /Schema-2017-06-30/credentialSchema.json we would have /test_data/credentialSchema/credential_1167_payload_Successful.txt or /test_data/credentialSchema/invalid_credential.txt)