"KnechtBot" - Project name "regiusBot"
This project is dead. Because of various senseless bugs and crashed occured in last time which could not be comprehended in any way, I've decided to completely re-create this bot in Node.js. This project, named Knecht V2, can be found here.
Is this a public bot and can I add it to my server?
No, this bot is hard coded for the "Dark Devs" Development Discord server and will not work fully on other guilds. So no, this is not a public bot and you can not add it to your server. Also downloading and running the source will cause errors because the bot is set to my guilds ID.
Why Python?
Because this bot is only running on one guild, so the performance of Python is sufficient for the system. Also I wanted to learn Python and so I had a project for that. And Python is a language wich is very easy to use and personally for me, it's kind of more fun creating bot functions in Python.
Can I use your code for my project(s)?
Because I get a lot of questions about that, I've created a special policy for the usage of my code.
What functions does the bot have?
Automatic Server Management
New Member Registration
When a user joins the server, the bot sends you a welcome message with a lot of information. You'll see also all online supporters and bots and user bots. Also the bot assigns you automatically the@Devs
role on the server.
User Bots System
With the!invite <bot ID>
command, you can add your discord bot on the server. Then, when a supporter or admin adds the bot to the guild, the bot gets the role@userbots
and will be renamed with bot owners name to show wich bot belongs to wich user.
Level System
Depending on your activity on the discord guild, you will get "Experience", wich will count up to a guild level. The top 20 is displayed in a scoreboard channel. This system is still in beta and does not show the real activity value of the discord server members. -
Guild Members Statistic Every 10 minutes the bot collects the number of online members and registered users on the server and writes it into a google docs sheet. The statistic can be visited by entering the command
, wich shows a link to the sheet
The displayed stats on the screenshsot are not up-to-date.
User and Profiling Commands
A command to link GitHub profiles to users and display them into a list. Also the linked github profile will be shown in the user profile.
A command wich adds (coding) language roles to users to display wich languages you can use and to mention those people in this roles to address your message to them. -
A command to register bot prefixes in a list to avoid multiple assignments of prefixes.
A command wich displays the user profile of a server member with account information, bots on the guild the user is owner from, users level and the users GitHub account.
Other Functions
There are way more functions wich are not listed here. You can see them entering the !help
command on my guild.