
Discord bot to transform error codes into meaningful names

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord bot to resolve PSVita error codes from a JSON database.


You need the following Python modules : hashlib, requests and discord.py. Create a file named SECRETS.py with the following content :

TOKEN = 'your bot token here'
    000000000, #User IDs of whitelisted people - turn on Discord's developper mode to be able to get them.

Run main.py, wait for the bot to connect, profit.
See CONFIG.py for more informations about the configuration.
Run the help command for more information about the avaliable commands.
Some commands can only be run by users in the whitelist.

Known issues/bugs

  • After saving a database with save_db, the SHA-1 sum of the local copy will be different from i.e. a download_db'ed file's SHA-1 sum.
    • This is due to the fact the json library will return a compacted string when serializing, which may (and probably will) not match the original file's style.
    • Not fixable