
Project resources for System(I) 2018 Fall

Primary LanguageVerilog


Project resources for System(I) 2018 Fall

Stay tuned by pulling this repo to your own.

Project Structure & Instruction

Adder Assignment

  • sim: used for testing adder in simulation
  • src: template & support files for adder assignment
  • ctrl: controller for testing adder on FPGA via UART


Using Vivado

  1. Create a RTL project in Vivado
  2. Put 'adder.v' into 'Sources'
  3. Put 'test_adder.v' into 'Simulation Sources'
  4. Run Behavioral Simulation
  5. Make sure to run at least 100 steps during the simulation (usually 100ns)
  6. You can see the results in 'Tcl console'

Or using iverilog:

iverilog test_adder.v
vvp a.out

FPGA testing

In top directory, clone the serial library and build

git submodule update --init
cd serial
make install

Dependencies see wjwwood/serial

In 'ctrl' folder, build the controller


Run the controller (may require superuser privilege)

./run.sh uart-port

the UART port should look like:

on Linux: /dev/ttyUSB1

on WSL: /dev/ttyS4

on Windows: COM3 (not tested)

RISC-V ISA Assignment


  • serial library (see above)
  • Vivado / iverilog + gtkwave
  • RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain (see wiki for details)


  • src: template & support modules for riscv
  • sim: source files for simulation (including a demo cpu)
  • ctrl: controller used for loading RAM data into FPGA BRAM and debugging
  • sys: basic system and I/O functions
  • testcase: test programs written in c


  • testcase/testname.c: source file
  • testcase/testname.in: input
  • testcase/testname.ans: answer

Building testcase

In directory 'riscv', run script

./build_test.sh testname

This will compile 'testcase/testname.c' and output all intermediate files to directory 'test/'

Intermediate files:

  • test/test.c: copy of the testcase source file
  • test/test.om: compiled ELF file
  • test/test.data: RAM data that can be read by verilog
  • test/test.bin: RAM data in binary
  • test/test.dump: decompilation of the ELF file


modify and run script

./run_test.sh testname

This will first build the testcase and then run custom commands for simulation.

You can also use custom Makefile to run testcases.

Testcases with input are currently unsupported in simulation, use testcases with no input instead.

FPGA testing

Build the testcase

In directory 'ctrl', build the controller


Run the controller (may require superuser privilege)

./run.sh path-to-ram path-to-input uart-port

RAM data can be found as 'test/test.bin' after building the testcase.

The controller will upload the data to FPGA BRAM (128KiB max), and can then be used to manage I/O and support debugging.

Alternatively, modify and run script

./run_test_fpga.sh testname

Debug packet definition


0x00: opcode: 0x00
0x01: BYTE_COUNT [7:0]
0x02: BYTE_COUNT [15:8]
rest: data to be echoed

return: data echoed

CPU Memory Read

0x00: opcode: 0x01
0x01: MEM_ADDR [7:0]
0x02: MEM_ADDR [15:8]
0x03: MEM_ADDR [16]
0x04: BYTE_COUNT [7:0]
0x05: BYTE_COUNT [15:8]

return: BYTES

CPU Memory Write

0x00: opcode: 0x02
0x01: MEM_ADDR [7:0]
0x02: MEM_ADDR [15:8]
0x03: MEM_ADDR [16]
0x04: BYTE_COUNT [7:0]
0x05: BYTE_COUNT [15:8]
rest: data to write


0x00: opcode: 0x03


0x00: opcode: 0x04

CPU Register Read (demo)

0x00: opcode: 0x05

Query Break

0x00: opcode: 0x07

Query Error Code

0x00: opcode: 0x08


(to be decided)


  • In 'sys/rom.s', the sp is now initialized to 0x00020000 (can be enlarged if running in simulation).
  • When running program on FPGA, do not allocate too much(10000+ int) space as the RAM is only 128KB.
  • run ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i --with-abi=ilp32 before making the RISC-V toolchain.