
gcc instrumentation based tracer for c/c++/pybind11

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


gcc instrumentation based tracer for c/c++/pybind11



  • gcc
  • cmake
  • python3 with pybind11 (optional)

Python package

pip install .

System-wise library

To build/install the library:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install # to install the library in /usr/local/lib

To build the examples:

cd examples
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


With Python script

Run program/script/command with tracer

cygtrace ./path/to/executable
cygtrace python3 ./path/to/script.py

Demangle json trace file

cygtrace -d -f trace.json

Get compiling parameters (gcc)

gcc example.c $(cygtrace -I -L -p)

When compiling dynamically loaded libraries (e.g., pybind11), add -m flag (disables libcygtrace linking)

g++ example.cpp $(cygtrace -I -L -p -m)

Manual instructions

To enable tracing in pybind11 code, add these to the compiler args (gcc):

-finstrument-functions -Wl,--export-dynamic

for c/cpp programs, also link the cygtrace library:

-finstrument-functions -Wl,--export-dynamic -lcygtrace

To enable tracing in python (pybind11), start the python interpreter like this (assuming library installed in /usr/local/lib):

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libcygtrace.so python3 xxx.py


  • To view JSON-formatted profiling results, go to chrome://tracing or Perfetto UI
  • the names of functions with static keyword or within anonymous namespace are unobtainable in the tracer (appear as "<unknown>")


  • CMake could not find pybind11
pip3 install "pybind11[global]"
  • "error while loading shared libraries: libcygtrace.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib